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Capital Formation

Capital Formation Capital formation is the process of creating, acquiring, and using assets to produce goods and services. It involves the investment of funds in physical assets, such as factories, equipment, and vehicles, as well as financial assets, such as stocks and bonds. Types of Capital Formation: 1. Private Sector:– Investment by individuals and businesses- […]

2 mins read

Etf Stock

ETF Stock An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of mutual fund that tracks a specific market index, group of securities, or other asset class. ETF stocks are traded on stock exchanges like traditional stocks, but they typically offer a wider range of investment options than mutual funds. Types of ETFs: Index ETFs: Track a […]

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Elasticity Of Demand

Elasticity of Demand The elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the price of a good. It is a measure of the degree to which the quantity demanded changes in response to changes in the price. Formula: Elasticity of Demand (e) = % Change in Quantity Demanded / % Change […]

2 mins read

Gift Tax

Gift Tax A gift tax is a tax imposed on individuals who receive gifts from others. It is levied on gifts received in excess of a certain threshold. The gift tax rate varies by country. Eligibility: In general, individuals who receive gifts from others are required to pay gift tax if the total value of […]

1 min read

Green Tech

Green Technology (Green Tech) Green technology (green tech) refers to technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable resource usage. It encompasses a wide range of fields, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, sustainable materials, and waste reduction. Key Focus Areas: Energy Efficiency: Developing technologies that consume less energy and reduce greenhouse […]

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Call Money Rate

Call Money Rate The call money rate is a key interest rate in the Indian banking system that reflects the cost of borrowing funds from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) by banks. It is typically a short-term borrowing rate and is used to manage liquidity in the banking system. Key Features: Short-Term Loan: Call […]

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Definition: Lobbying is the process of influencing political decision-making and public policy by organizations and individuals. Lobbyists, who are employed by companies or organizations, engage in a range of activities to advocate for their interests, including: Providing information and policy analysis: Lobbyists gather information and analyze policy issues, and share this information with policymakers. Building […]

1 min read


Definition: A proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary between a client and a remote server. It is a trusted intermediary that can be used to conceal the client’s identity, routing requests from the client to the remote server through the proxy server. Types of Proxies: Public proxy: A proxy server that is […]

2 mins read


Indexing is a process of organizing data structures by creating an index, a mapping between keys and their corresponding locations in the structure. This indexing mechanism allows for efficient retrieval of data based on the keys. Types of Indexing: Primary Index: The main index used to uniquely identify each record in a data structure. Secondary […]

2 mins read

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