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Parent Company

Parent Company A parent company is a company that owns or controls one or more subsidiary companies. The parent company is typically the ultimate owner of the subsidiary companies, and is responsible for their overall management and financial well-being. Key Characteristics of a Parent Company: Control: Parent companies have the ability to control the operations […]

1 min read

Income Tax

Definition: Income tax is a mandatory payment levied on individuals and corporations by a government as a source of revenue. It is typically calculated based on a taxpayer’s income, salary, or business profits. Types of Income Tax: Progressive tax: A tax system in which higher incomes are taxed at a higher rate. Regressive tax: A […]

1 min read

Investment Advisory Representative (Iar)

Investment Advisory Representative (IAR) An investment advisory representative (IAR) is a licensed financial professional who provides personalized investment advice to clients. They are responsible for creating and managing investment portfolios, assessing risk tolerance, and recommending investment strategies. Key Responsibilities: Conducting client meetings: Meet with clients to understand their financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. […]

1 min read

Green Levy

The Green Levy was a tax imposed in South Africa in 1994 as part of the government’s environmental policies. It was aimed at reducing pollution from industry and encouraging environmental awareness. Key Features of the Green Levy: Taxable Items: Included cigarettes, fuels, and certain industrial processes. Rates: Varying based on the type of taxable item […]

1 min read

Accounting Cycle

Accounting Cycle The accounting cycle is a series of steps that accountants follow to ensure that financial records are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. It is a continuous process that consists of several key stages. 1. Planning:– Setting accounting goals and objectives- Determining the accounting software to be used- Establishing procedures and controls 2. Recording:– Capturing […]

1 min read

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto the physical world, enhancing the user’s senses and interaction with the environment. Key Concepts: Augmented: Adds digital content to the real world. Reality: Simulates the real world. Immersion: Involves a high degree of immersion in the augmented environment. Types of AR: See-through: Superimposes virtual […]

2 mins read


Holdings refers to the assets or investments that a company or individual owns at a particular point in time. These assets can include stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and other securities. Key Components of Holdings: 1. Security Holdings:– List of securities owned, including stocks, bonds, and derivatives.- Quantity of each security held.- Cost basis per […]

1 min read

Trading Plan

Trading Plan Template I. Market Analysis Technical analysis: Analyze charts and indicators to identify support and resistance levels, trend direction, and potential entry and exit points. Fundamental analysis: Evaluate company financials, industry conditions, and economic factors that may impact the asset you are trading. News and events: Monitor market news and events that could affect […]

2 mins read

Hdfc,Housing Development Finance Corporation

HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) The Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) is a leading mortgage lender in India, offering a wide range of housing loan products for both individuals and commercial purposes. Established in 1948, it is a fully owned subsidiary of the Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd.). Key Highlights: Market Leader: […]

1 min read


Definition: An assignor is a party who transfers ownership or a right to a property or asset to another party, known as the assignee. Key Points: Transfer of Ownership or Right: An assignor transfers ownership or a right to a property or asset to an assignee. Assignment: The act of transferring ownership or a right […]

1 min read

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