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Notional Value

Notional value is a theoretical value of an asset or liability that is not necessarily reflected in its current market price. It’s basically the value that a specific asset or liability would have in a hypothetical market where all factors are perfect. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: Notional value: Refers to the face […]

1 min read


The word “obligor” is an adjective meaning “one who is obligated.” It also has a noun meaning “one who is obligated.” Definitions: Obligor (adjective): Required or expected to do something. A person who is obligated to do something. A feeling of duty or obligation. Obligor (noun): A person who is obligated to do something. Something […]

1 min read

Systematic Sampling

Systematic Sampling Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method that involves selecting samples at regular intervals from a population. This method is also known as spaced-sample selection or quasi-random sampling. Procedure: Select a sampling frame: Create a list of all elements in the population. Determine the interval: Calculate the interval size, which is the number […]

2 mins read


Sure, here’s an explanation of the term “beta”: Beta refers to the second letter of the Greek alphabet, represented by the symbol ฮฒ (beta). It’s also used in various scientific and technical contexts, including: 1. Statistical Beta: In statistics, beta is used to describe the relative variability of a random variable compared to the variability […]

1 min read


Definition: An arbitrageur is a trader who exploits price discrepancies between similar assets or markets to generate profit. Types of Arbitrage: Cash arbitrage: Occurs when there are differences in the prices of the same asset in different currencies. Futures arbitrage: Exploits price discrepancies between futures contracts for the same asset. Inventory arbitrage: Takes advantage of […]

2 mins read

Tier 2 Capital

Tier 2 Capital Tier 2 capital refers to any capital that is subordinate to tier 1 capital. Tier 1 capital consists of common equity shares and preferred stock that are not subordinate to any other security. Tier 2 capital includes various instruments, such as subordinated debt, convertible debt, and hybrid securities. Characteristics of Tier 2 […]

1 min read

Safe Haven

Sure, here’s the definition of “safe haven”: Safe haven is a term used in financial markets to describe a type of asset that is considered to be relatively stable and secure, thus attracting investors during times of economic uncertainty. Key characteristics of a safe haven: Low volatility: The value of the asset fluctuates less than […]

1 min read

Sec,Securities And Exchange Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the primary federal agency responsible for regulating the securities industry in the United States. It is tasked with protecting investors, ensuring the integrity of the market, and facilitating capital formation. Key Functions: Regulation: Setting and enforcing securities laws and regulations. Regulating the activities of broker-dealers, investment banks, and […]

1 min read

Passive Income

Passive Income Passive income refers to income that is generated without requiring active effort or control over the assets that generate it. It typically involves investments or assets that require little to no ongoing management or are largely hands-off. Examples of Passive Income: Rental properties: Passive income from rent payments on properties. Investments: Dividends from […]

1 min read

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