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Sure, here’s the definition of capital: Capital is the money and other assets used to produce goods and services within a country. It includes such assets as land, factories, equipment, tools, and inventory. Capital can also refer to the financial assets used by companies to generate revenue, such as stocks and bonds. Here are some […]

1 min read

Current Transfers

Current Transfers Current transfers are financial transactions that involve the movement of money between accounts or bank deposits in the same bank or different banks on the same day. They typically occur when funds are transferred electronically or through mobile banking applications. Types of Current Transfers: Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs): Transfers of money between accounts […]

1 min read


Definition: Embargo is a complete prohibition or blockade of trade, travel, or communication between a country and one or more other countries. It is an economic or political measure that restricts the flow of goods, services, people, technology, and information. Purpose: Political pressure: To exert pressure on a country or group of countries to change […]

1 min read

Company Limited By Shares

Definition: A company limited by shares is a company in which the shareholders own shares, which represent a portion of the company’s ownership. The shareholders are responsible for limiting the company’s liability to their investment in the company. Key Features: 1. Shareholder Liability:– Shareholders are not personally liable for the company’s debts beyond their investment.- […]

1 min read

Batch Credit Card Processing

Batch Credit Card Processing Batch credit card processing is a type of credit card processing that groups transactions together and processes them as a single batch at a specific time. This is in contrast to real-time credit card processing, which processes each transaction individually as it occurs. Key Features of Batch Credit Card Processing: Grouped […]

2 mins read


The word “aggressor” can refer to a person who is aggressive, hostile, or violent. It can also refer to a person who attacks or harms others. Synonyms: Aggressive Hostile Violent Expansive Rapacious Hostile Malicious Antonyms: Pacifier Submissive Non-aggressive Friendly Gentle Mild Examples: The aggressor attacked the victim, causing serious injuries. The soldier was a courageous […]

1 min read

Credit Scoring

Credit Scoring Credit scoring is a process of evaluating an individual’s credit history to determine their credit worthiness. It is a numerical representation of a borrower’s credit behavior, typically ranging from 300 to 850. Factors Affecting Credit Score: Payment History: Payment behavior on bills and loans, including the timely payment of due dates. Utilization Ratio: […]

1 min read

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