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Definition: Attachment is a deeply ingrained emotional connection between a person and another person, object, or place. It is a complex and enduring psychological process that influences how we behave, think, and feel. Types of Attachment: There are three main types of attachment styles: Secure attachment: People with secure attachment feel loved, valued, and safe […]

2 mins read

Ceteris Paribus

Sure, here is the meaning of “ceteris paribus”: Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase that means “other things being equal.” In other words, it is a phrase used to emphasize that certain factors are being held constant while other factors are varied in an experiment or analysis. Example: “The effect of caffeine on alertness is […]

1 min read

Asset/Liability Management (Alm)

Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Asset-liability management (ALM) is a key function in financial management that involves managing the balance between a company’s assets and liabilities to ensure financial stability and profitability. It aims to optimize the use of available resources to maximize returns and minimize risks. Key Components of ALM: 1. Asset Management:– Determining the optimal […]

2 mins read

Noncurrent Assets

Noncurrent Assets Noncurrent assets are assets that are not used in the current period to generate revenue or current assets. They are typically long-term investments or assets that are not intended to be sold or used in the company’s operations within the current accounting period. Examples of noncurrent assets include: Long-term investments Property, plant, and […]

1 min read

Balanced Investment Strategy

Balanced Investment Strategy A balanced investment strategy is a portfolio management strategy that aims to achieve a desired return with a given level of risk by allocating funds across a range of investments, typically stocks, bonds, and other assets. The goal is to maintain a balance between risk and return, reducing overall volatility while aiming […]

2 mins read

Asset/Liability Management

Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Asset-liability management (ALM) is a key function in financial management that involves managing the liabilities and assets of a company to ensure its overall financial health and stability. It involves developing strategies to ensure that the company has the necessary assets to meet its liabilities and obligations. Key Components of ALM: 1. […]

2 mins read

Savings Account

Definition: A savings account is a type of account at a bank or other financial institution where deposits are made and stored for future use. It is typically used for storing small amounts of money and for day-to-day transactions. Key Features: Deposits: Savings accounts allow you to deposit money at any time. ** withdrawals:** You […]

1 min read

Annual Accounts

Annual Accounts Annual accounts are financial statements that summarize a company’s financial activities and position for a particular accounting period, typically a fiscal year. They include the company’s balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and other financial statements required by law. Key Components of Annual Accounts: 1. Balance Sheet:– Lists a company’s assets, liabilities, […]

2 mins read

Tax-Exempt Interest

Tax-exempt interest is interest income that is exempt from income tax. Examples of tax-exempt interest include: Interest on government securities Interest on municipal bonds Interest on certain other exempt investments Types of tax-exempt interest: Government securities: Interest on Treasury bonds, Treasury bills, and other government securities is exempt from income tax. Municipal bonds: Interest on […]

1 min read

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