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Fibonacci Retracement

Fibonacci retracement is a technical analysis indicator that identifies support and resistance levels based on the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers generated by adding the previous two numbers in the sequence. Formula: The Fibonacci retracement is calculated by taking the ratio of the distance between a point and the previous low to the distance […]

2 mins read


Fintech (Financial Technology) Fintech, or financial technology, is the use of technology to provide financial services. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, including: Key Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is used for data analysis, risk assessment, and customer service. Blockchain: Blockchain technology is used for secure and decentralized payments and data sharing. Mobile Applications: […]

2 mins read


Definition: Innovation is the process of creating novel and valuable solutions to problems or the creation of new products, services, processes, or technologies. It involves a wide range of activities, including ideation, problem-solving, prototyping, testing, and implementation. Key Elements of Innovation: Creativity: Generating new ideas and perspectives Imagination: Visualization and creativity Inspiration: Drawing from diverse […]

1 min read

Soft Landing

Definition: A soft landing is a technique in aviation that involves landing an aircraft smoothly on the ground without exceeding the aircraft’s speed or damaging its landing gear. Process: Flaps Down: Flaps are extended to increase lift and reduce drag, improving the aircraft’s maneuverability and low-speed stability. Smooth Power Reduction: The pilot smoothly reduces the […]

1 min read


Definition: Takeout, also known as curbside pickup or delivery, is a type of food service that allows customers to order food from a restaurant and have it delivered to their home or picked up at the restaurant. Types of Takeout: Full-service takeout: The restaurant provides all the necessary packaging, utensils, and condiments. Packaging-free takeout: Customers […]

1 min read

Nafed, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Of India Ltd

NAFED – National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED) is a apex body of 16 State Cooperative Marketing Federations (SCMFs) and 5 Central Cooperative Marketing Federations (CCMFs) in India. Established in 1952, NAFED is a leading organization in the agricultural marketing sector, promoting the […]

1 min read

Irda – Insurance Regulatory And Development Authority

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) is a statutory body established in India in 1999 under the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. It is the primary regulator of the Indian insurance industry. Key Functions: Regulation: Setting and enforcing regulations for the insurance industry, including: Minimum solvency norms for insurers Standards for insurance […]

1 min read

Open Position

Definition: An open position is a position that is not yet filled. It is a position that an organization is actively seeking to fill. Key Points: Open positions: are positions that have not yet been filled. Filled positions: are positions that have already been filled. Job openings: are announcements made by organizations to attract candidates […]

1 min read

Multibagger Stocks,Multibagger

Multibagger Stocks: Multibagger stocks are those stocks that have the potential to generate multiples of their initial investment. They are typically smaller companies with high growth potential and low market capitalization. Characteristics of Multibagger Stocks: High growth potential: Multibaggers have the potential to grow at a rapid rate, often exceeding the growth of the overall […]

1 min read

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