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Uncollected Funds

Uncollected funds are an accounting concept that refers to money that is owed to a company but has not yet been collected. This can include accounts receivable, invoices, and other claims. Here are some key points about uncollected funds: Types of uncollected funds: Accounts receivable: This is the most common type of uncollected funds. It […]

2 mins read

Unwinding A Position

Unwinding a Position Unwinding a position involves reversing the steps taken to acquire the position, typically in reverse order. It includes activities such as: 1. Selling or Repurposing Assets:– Sell any assets acquired in the position, such as securities, futures contracts, or options.- Repurpose assets into other investments or use them to generate income. 2. […]

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The word “scrip” is a word meaning “letter” in Old English. It is also used in the sense of a document, such as a bill or a treaty. The word “script” is a word that is derived from the same root as “scrip.”

1 min read

Tax Indexing

Tax Indexing Tax indexing is a process of adjusting tax rates and other tax provisions in accordance with inflation and other economic factors to ensure that the tax burden remains equitable and stable. It is a mechanism used to mitigate the effects of inflation and economic fluctuations on the tax system. Purpose of Tax Indexing: […]

2 mins read

Credit Mix

Definition: A credit mix is a measure of an individual’s credit behavior based on the mix of credit accounts they have open. It includes the number and types of credit accounts, such as revolving credit accounts (e.g., credit cards), installment loans, and mortgage loans. Factors Affecting Credit Mix: Number of Credit Accounts: Having a low […]

1 min read

Combating The Financing Of Terrorism (Cft)

Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) is a global effort to prevent individuals and organizations from providing financial support to terrorist activities. It requires a multifaceted approach that includes national legislation, international cooperation, and industry cooperation. Key Elements of CFT Measures: 1. Criminalization of Terrorist Financing:– Many countries have […]

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Micro Savings

Micro-Savings Micro-savings refer to small, regular savings made by individuals with low-income or limited access to traditional banking services. These savings typically range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars and are often used to cover emergency expenses, purchase assets, or build financial security. Characteristics of Micro-Savings: Small Amounts: Savings are usually small, ranging […]

1 min read

Trading Book

A trading book refers to a document that provides information and guidance to traders, typically covering various aspects of the trading process. It can be structured in several ways, depending on the target audience and the style of teaching. Here are the key components of a trading book: 1. Introduction:– Overview of the book’s goals […]

2 mins read

Narrow Money

Narrow money is a concept in economics that refers to the money supply that consists primarily of cash and other forms of money that are highly liquid and easily convertible into cash, such as deposits in checking accounts. In other words, narrow money is the money supply that is most closely tied to the velocity […]

1 min read


Journaling: Unleash Your Thoughts and Emotions Journaling is a therapeutic practice that involves writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences on a regular basis. It is a powerful tool for self-reflection, emotional regulation, and personal growth. Benefits of Journaling: Self-reflection: Writing allows you to examine your thoughts and emotions in detail, bringing awareness to patterns […]

2 mins read

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