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Assessable Profit

Assessable Profit Assessable profit is the portion of a corporation’s taxable income that is determined after subtracting certain deductions and exemptions. It is the amount of income that is subject to tax, calculated by applying the applicable tax rate to the assessable profit. Formula for Assessable Profit: Assessable Profit = Net Income – Deductions – […]

1 min read

Freudian Motivation Theory

Freudian Motivation Theory Freudian motivation theory, developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, is a psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes the role of unconscious processes in motivation. According to Freud, motivation is driven by three fundamental instincts: id, ego, and superego. Id:– The id is the primitive, instinctual part of the personality that is […]

2 mins read

Provisional Assessment

The phrase “provisional assessment” has a specific meaning within the field of psychology. Here’s a breakdown: Provisional Assessment: It refers to the initial evaluation of a client’s psychological well-being and mental health needs conducted by a mental health professional (e.g., psychologist, psychiatrist). This evaluation is temporary, preliminary, and subject to change as more information becomes […]

1 min read

Moral Hazard

Moral hazard is a situation in which one party to a transaction can take actions that affect the outcome of the transaction, but the other party cannot observe or control those actions. This can lead to moral hazard problems, in which one party may take actions that are not in the best interests of the […]

2 mins read

Marginal Land

Marginal Land Marginal land is land that is less fertile than other land and is often difficult to cultivate. It is often characterized by marginal soil, low water availability, and extreme weather conditions. Characteristics of Marginal Land: Low soil fertility: Marginal land has low soil fertility, which means that it has little nutrients to support […]

2 mins read

Professional Risk Manager (Prm)

Professional Risk Manager (PRM) A professional risk manager (PRM) is a highly specialized role that involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks across various organizational functions. They are responsible for developing and implementing risk management strategies that ensure the organization’s operations and assets are protected. Key Responsibilities: Risk Identification: Identifying potential risks and analyzing their likelihood […]

2 mins read

Floor Limit

Definition: A floor limit is a limit on the value of a variable that can take on at most a certain value, known as the floor or lower bound. Explanation: In programming languages, a floor limit is typically implemented using a conditional statement that checks if the variable value is below the floor limit. If […]

1 min read

Mcx,Multi Commodity Exchange

The MCX Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) is a multi-commodity exchange based in Mumbai, India. Established in 1991, it is one of the largest commodity exchanges in the country, covering a wide range of agricultural and industrial commodities. Key Features: Wide Range of Commodities: Covers more than 60 commodities, including bullion, gold, silver, copper, spices, metals, […]

1 min read

Consolidated Fund Of India

The Consolidated Fund of India (CFI) is a unique public account maintained by the Indian government that represents the consolidated financial resources of the Union and all state governments. It is a single account that records all receipts and payments of the government, including those of the Union and the states. Key Features of the […]

2 mins read

Financial Plan

Financial Plan A financial plan is a comprehensive document that outlines an individual’s financial goals and strategies for achieving those goals over a specific time frame. It typically includes the following components: 1. Financial Inventory:– Assets and liabilities- Current income and expenses- Debt and credit history 2. Financial Goals:– Short-term goals (e.g., emergency fund, new […]

1 min read

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