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Private Label Credit Card

Private Label Credit Card A private label credit card is a credit card that is issued by a bank or financial institution under the name of a specific merchant or retailer. The issuer is the bank or financial institution, while the merchant or retailer licenses the use of its name and logo. Key Features: 1. […]

2 mins read


Egalitarianism Egalitarianism is a moral philosophy that advocates for the principle of equality of opportunity and outcome. It argues that all individuals should have the same chances to achieve their full potential. Key Principles of Egalitarianism: 1. Equality of Opportunity:– Emphasizes that all individuals should have equal access to resources, education, healthcare, and other opportunities. […]

1 min read

Liquid Assets

Liquid Assets Liquid assets are financial assets that can be easily converted into cash or other forms of money in the market with minimal effort. They are generally considered to be low-risk investments that can be used to meet emergency savings, cover short-term expenses, or provide a source of liquidity in an emergency. Examples of […]

1 min read

Stamp Duty

Definition: Stamp duty is a type of indirect tax levied on certain documents, instruments, and transactions. It is a fee paid to the government as a charge for the privilege of using certain documents or engaging in particular transactions. Purpose: To raise revenue for the government. To discourage certain transactions. To provide funds for specific […]

2 mins read

Stress Testing

Definition: Stress testing is a type of software testing that aims to evaluate a system’s performance under extreme or abnormal conditions. It involves applying a large load or simulating a high volume of users to identify potential bottlenecks, failures, and performance issues. Purpose: Ensure system stability and reliability: To identify and rectify issues that may […]

2 mins read


Definition: Actuals are the actual values or outcomes that have occurred or been realized. They are the actual figures, data, or measurements recorded or observed from a particular source or set of operations. Examples: Financial actuals: Revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, and other financial data recorded in a company’s financial statements. Sales actuals: Number of units […]

1 min read

Zero Interest

Zero Interest Rate A zero interest rate is a hypothetical interest rate where the borrower does not pay any interest on a loan. This concept is often used in theoretical modeling and academic discussions, but it is not practical in real-world scenarios. Theoretical Significance: Lender’s equilibrium: In a perfect market, zero interest rate would be […]

1 min read

Demand Draft

Demand Draft A demand draft is a written order from a bank customer to the bank requesting payment of a specified sum of money on demand. It is also known as a negotiable instrument or simply a draft. Key Features of a Demand Draft: Orderer: The bank customer who issues the draft. Payee: The person […]

1 min read

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