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Financial Quota Share

A financial quota share is a percentage of a company’s voting stock that is reserved for a particular shareholder or group of shareholders. It is a type of long-term security agreement that grants the holder the right to vote at shareholder meetings and to receive dividends. Key points: Financial quota share: A percentage of a […]

1 min read

Chip Card

Chip card, also known as smart card, is a type of plastic payment card that uses integrated circuit chips to store and process information. Unlike traditional magnetic stripe cards, chip cards have a microchip embedded within the card that contains a secure digital memory. Key features of chip cards: Microchip: Stores and processes data securely. […]

1 min read

Online Shoplifting

Online Shoplifting Online shoplifting, also known as cybertheft or electronic forgery, is the act of fraudulently obtaining goods or services from an online store using various techniques. It involves exploiting vulnerabilities in online systems, manipulating payment information, and exploiting weak security measures. Types of Online Shoplifting: Credit Card Fraud: Utilizing stolen credit card numbers to […]

2 mins read


A rollercoaster, also known as a carousel swing, is a ride at an amusement park that consists of a large, circular metal loop or track. It is designed to give passengers a thrilling experience of soaring through the air. Description: Structure: The rollercoaster is built on a large, circular track, which can be either straight […]

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Reclassification Reclassification is the process of reassigning an item from one category to another based on new information or criteria. It involves reevaluating the item’s characteristics and assessing its conformity with the criteria of the new category. Reasons for Reclassification: Changes in criteria: When the criteria used to categorize an item change, it may become […]

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Poverty Trap

Definition: The poverty trap is a condition in which people are trapped in a cycle of poverty due to various factors, including low education, lack of job skills, limited access to resources, and social stigma. Causes: Low education and job skills: Lack of education and training opportunities lead to low wages and limited job prospects. […]

2 mins read


Definition: A patent is a legal right granted to an inventor to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing an invention for a limited time. It is a form of intellectual property protection. Types of Patents: Utility patents: Protect inventions that are useful and novel. Design patents: Protect ornamental designs. Plant patents: Protect plant […]

1 min read

Financial Instrument

Definition: A financial instrument is a contract that represents the promise of payment or delivery of financial assets or liabilities in the future. It is a tangible or intangible asset that gives rise to a legally enforceable obligation to pay or receive payments or deliver or receive assets. Types of Financial Instruments: Debt securities: Bonds, […]

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Definition: A company is a legal entity that is owned and controlled by shareholders. It is a separate and distinct entity from its shareholders, with its own separate legal existence. Types of Companies: Public Companies: Shares are traded on a public stock exchange. Private Companies: Shares are not traded publicly. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): Owners […]

1 min read

Discretionary Income

Discretionary Income Discretionary income is the portion of income that is not necessary for essential expenses or savings and can be used for personal spending or investment. Definition: Discretionary income is the income that is available to an individual or household after meeting all necessary expenses and savings requirements. It is the income that is […]

1 min read

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