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Life Cycle

Life Cycle The life cycle is a sequence of events that occur in a living organism from the time it is conceived to the time it dies. It encompasses all the changes that the organism undergoes throughout its existence, including growth, reproduction, and metabolism. Major Phases of the Life Cycle: 1. Germination:* Occurs when a […]

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Atm Card

An ATM card, also known as a debit card, is a plastic card that allows you to access your money from an automated teller machine (ATM) or any other electronic payment terminal that accepts that particular card. Unlike a credit card, which allows you to borrow money, an ATM card is linked directly to your […]

1 min read


Definition: Divestment is the process of selling or transferring ownership of assets or businesses by a company. It is a strategic move typically undertaken to raise capital, reduce debt, or focus on core operations. Reasons for Divestment: Raising capital: Divesting assets or businesses can generate cash flow, which can be used for other investments or […]

1 min read


Sure, here’s the definition of the word “shortfall”: Shortfall – the amount by which something falls short of a desired or expected amount, quantity, or standard. Synonyms:– Deficiency- Lack- Shortcoming- Gap- Difference Examples:– The student’s grade on the exam was affected by a shortfall of understanding in key concepts.- The company fell short of its […]

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General Manager

Definition: A general manager is an executive responsible for overseeing all aspects of a company’s operations and ensuring its overall success. They are typically the highest-level manager and have direct responsibility for the company’s strategy, performance, and profitability. Key Responsibilities: Strategic planning: Defining company goals, developing strategies to achieve them, and monitoring progress. Financial management: […]

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Definition: Fraud is an illegal act that involves deception and often financial gain. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including forgery, embezzlement, fraud by false representation, and identity theft. Types of Fraud: Embezzlement: Misappropriation of funds or assets entrusted to an individual or organization. Forgery: Creating fraudulent documents, such as checks, invoices, and passports. […]

2 mins read

Epf Withdrawal

EPF Withdrawal Rules: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) scheme allows employees to withdraw their contributions and interest earned under the scheme in certain circumstances. Here are the key rules governing EPF withdrawal: Types of Withdrawals: Normal Withdrawal: This is the most common type of withdrawal, available to members who have accumulated a sufficient corpus in […]

2 mins read

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis Analysis paralysis is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual becomes so overwhelmed by the complexity of a decision-making process that they are unable to make any decisions at all. It is a common experience that can occur in many areas of life, including work, relationships, and personal decision-making. Causes: Fear of making […]

2 mins read


Macroeconomics Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the overall economy of a country or a group of countries. It focuses on factors that affect the entire economy, such as aggregate demand, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Key Concepts: Aggregate Demand: Total spending on goods, services, and investment in a country.Inflation: General increase in […]

1 min read

Operating Revenue

Operating Revenue Operating revenue is a company’s revenue generated from its principal operations, excluding interest and other items not related to its core business activities. It is also known as net sales or gross revenue. Components of Operating Revenue: Sales of goods or services Rental income Commissions earned Excise taxes paid on sales Formula for […]

1 min read

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