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Dumping is a term used in software engineering to describe the process of transferring large amounts of source code from one software project to another. This is often done when a project is migrated to a new platform or framework, or when a team of developers is disbanded. Common reasons for dumping code: Project migration: […]

2 mins read

Commodity Pool

A commodity pool is a type of investment pool that invests in commodities. The goal of a commodity pool is to provide investors with a way to gain exposure to a diversified range of commodities. Types of Commodity Pools: Open-end: Investors can join and leave the pool at any time. Closed-end: Investors can only join […]

1 min read

Asteroid Event

An asteroid event refers to the impact of a large meteoroid or asteroid on Earth. Such events have occurred throughout history, and they can have a devastating impact on the planet. Types of Asteroid Events: Crater Forming Events: These events occur when a large asteroid or meteoroid impacts the Earth, creating a deep crater. The […]

2 mins read


Dissaving Dissaving refers to the process of increasing savings, usually by reducing consumption. It is a behavioral adjustment that involves allocating a larger portion of income towards savings. Dissaving typically occurs when there is an increase in income or a decrease in expenses. Causes of Dissaving: Increased income: When income increases, people may save a […]

2 mins read

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic Trading Algorithmic trading, also known as quantitative trading, is a type of trading strategy that employs algorithms and mathematical models to automate trading decisions. These algorithms are designed to exploit market inefficiencies, generate profit, and manage risk. Key Principles: Automated Decision-Making: Algorithms execute trading decisions based on predefined rules and parameters, eliminating the need […]

2 mins read

Survival Analysis

Survival analysis is a statistical method used to analyze the time-to-event data, where the event is typically death or a particular occurrence of interest. It is a powerful tool for exploring and understanding the survival curves of a population. Key concepts in survival analysis: Survival function: Describes the probability of surviving beyond a given time […]

1 min read

Goldilocks Economy

The Goldilocks Economy is a term used in economics to describe a hypothetical economy that is just right, neither too hot nor too cold. In other words, it is an economy that is in a stable equilibrium, with just the right amount of growth, inflation, and unemployment. Key Features of a Goldilocks Economy: Moderate growth: […]

1 min read

Churn Rate

Churn Rate Definition: Churn rate is a metric that measures the percentage of customers who stop using a service or product within a specific time frame. It is a key performance indicator (KPI) used in customer retention and business metrics. Formula: Churn Rate = (Number of Customers Lost During Period) / (Total Number of Customers […]

1 min read


Sure, here is the definition of the word “expense”: Expense: A sum of money spent for a particular purpose or to cover a particular cost. Examples: The company had a total expense of $10,000 for the quarter. My personal expenses this month were $500. The government has a high expense for defense. Synonyms: Cost Expenditure […]

1 min read

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