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Direct Investment

Definition: Direct investment is a type of foreign investment (FDI) in which an investor acquires or controls assets that are directly used to produce goods or services within a specific country. It involves setting up operations in a country with the intention of generating profit by producing and exporting goods and services. Key Features: Types […]

3 mins read

Trading Platform

A trading platform is a software application that allows investors to buy and sell securities, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and precious metals. There are many different trading platforms available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Types of Trading Platforms: Key Features of Trading Platforms: Popular Trading Platforms: Choosing the Right Trading Platform: […]

3 mins read

Distribution Channel

Definition: A distribution channel is a path that products travel from manufacturers to consumers. It includes all the intermediaries involved in the process of getting products to the end user. Components of a Distribution Channel: 1. Producers: Manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers who produce or assemble the product. 2. Wholesalers: Intermediaries who buy large quantities of […]

2 mins read

Excess Judgment Loss

Excess judgment loss refers to a cognitive bias where people tend to overestimate the accuracy of their own judgments and underestimate the accuracy of others’. This bias can lead to errors in decision-making and judgment, as people may be unwilling to admit their own mistakes or consider alternative perspectives. Causes: Examples: Consequences: Mitigating Excess Judgment […]

3 mins read

Invisible Trade

Invisible trade refers to economic exchanges that do not involve the physical movement of goods and services. Instead, they involve the transfer of ownership or rights to intangible assets, such as financial instruments, intellectual property, or contracts. Examples of Invisible Trade: Key Features of Invisible Trade: Impact of Invisible Trade: Examples of Invisible Trade: Conclusion: […]

3 mins read

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