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Definition: Overhang is a term used in architecture and engineering to describe a structure that extends beyond the supporting wall or column. It is a projection or extension from a surface or edge that extends beyond the supporting structure. Examples: A balcony is an overhang structure that extends beyond the wall of a building. A […]

1 min read

Credit And Debt

Credit and Debt Credit and debt are two important financial concepts that are inextricably linked. Credit:* A measure of an individual’s creditworthiness, based on their past borrowing and repayment behavior.* Determined by three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.* Credit scores range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness. Debt:* An amount […]

1 min read

Class B Shares

b Shares b shares are a type of preference stock that are convertible into common stock at a specified ratio. They typically have a higher par value than common stock and pay dividends at a rate that is higher than the company’s common stock dividend. Key Features of b Shares: Convertible: b shares can be […]

1 min read

Contempt Of Court

Contempt of Court Contempt of court is a legal offense that occurs when a person behaves in a way that disrupts the court’s ability to function properly or undermines its authority. It includes acts such as: Types of Contempt: Civil contempt: Actions that interfere with the court’s ability to carry out its functions, such as […]

2 mins read

(Ncdex) National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange

NCdex National Commodity Derivatives Exchange The NCdex National Commodity Derivatives Exchange (NCdex) is a leading derivatives exchange in the United States for agricultural, industrial, and financial commodities. Established in 2003, NCdex is a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group, offering a broad range of trading products and services to its participants. Key Features: Additional […]

1 min read

Lifestyle Inflation

Lifestyle inflation is a term used to describe the phenomenon of people spending more money on lifestyle expenses than they can afford. It is often characterized by a desire to maintain a certain standard of living, even when financial circumstances are difficult. Causes of lifestyle inflation: Social comparison: People may feel pressure to keep up […]

1 min read


Depletion Depletion refers to the process of reducing a resource to its lowest point or to an empty state. It is a term used in various fields, including physics, chemistry, and geology. Definitions: Depletion: The process of reducing a resource to its lowest point or to an empty state. Depleted resource: A resource that has […]

2 mins read

Poisson Distribution

Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the number of occurrences of events in a given interval of time or space. Assumptions: The events occur independently of each other. The average number of occurrences in the interval is known and is given by the parameter ฮป. The number of occurrences in the interval […]

1 min read

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