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Oligopoly An oligopoly is a market structure in which a small number of large companies control a majority of the market share. These companies are typically dominant and have the ability to influence prices and market conditions. Characteristics of Oligopoly: Few large firms: Oligopoly markets are characterized by the presence of a few large firms […]

1 min read

Spinning Top

The Spinning Top A spinning top is a toy that consists of a hollow, conical shape made of wood, with a small amount of weight attached to the top. When the top is spun, it wobbles and spins on its axis, maintaining its angular momentum. Physics of the Spinning Top: Angular Momentum: The spinning top […]

2 mins read

Card Recovery Bulletin

Card Recovery Bulletin Date: [Date] Reporting Party: [Your Name]Reporting Party Address: [Your Address]Reporting Party Phone Number: [Your Phone Number] Card Lost or Stolen: Card Number: [Card Number] Card Type: [Card Type] Card Expiry Date: [Card Expiry Date] Date of Last Use: [Date of Last Use] Location Where Card Was Last Seen: [Location Where Card Was […]

1 min read


Attrition is the process of employees leaving a company. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor job performance, a desire for better pay or benefits, or personal issues. Attrition can have a negative impact on a company’s bottom line, as it can lead to increased costs and decreased productivity. Here are […]

2 mins read

Market Power

Market Power Market power is the ability of a firm to influence the prices of its products or services in a particular market. Firms with market power have the ability to set their own prices, rather than being dictated by the market. Types of Market Power: Oligopoly: A market with a few large firms that […]

2 mins read

Succession Planning

Succession Planning Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing potential successors for key roles within an organization. It involves anticipation, preparation, and implementation steps to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities when a founder or key employee departs. Key Steps in Succession Planning: 1. Identify Key Roles:– Determine the roles that are critical […]

1 min read


Impairment is a condition where a person’s ability to perform a specific task or function is reduced or hindered in some way. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, illness, aging, and certain medical conditions. Types of Impairment: Physical impairment: Affects the ability to perform physical tasks, such as walking, climbing […]

2 mins read

Conditional Binding Receipt

Conditional Binding Receipt A conditional binding receipt is a contract document that acknowledges receipt of a binding offer and indicates that the offeror is conditionally bound to accept the offer if certain conditions are met. Key Elements of a Conditional Binding Receipt: Acknowledgement of Offer: The receipt acknowledges the offer made by the offeror and […]

2 mins read

Short Term

Sure. Here’s the definition of short-term: Short-term refers to a duration of time that is relatively brief, typically less than a year. It can also describe something that is temporary or transient in nature. Here are some examples of short-term: Short-term loan: a loan that is repaid in a short period, typically less than a […]

1 min read

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