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Limited Liability Partnership (Llp)

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a legal entity that is formed by one or more partners who have limited liability for their partnership debts. Here are some key points about LLPs: Partners: LLPs have one or more partners, and each partner has limited liability for their own actions and for […]

2 mins read

Back Up

Sure, “backup” has a few different meanings depending on the context. Please provide me with more information about what you want me to back up, so I can give you a more complete answer. Here are some possible interpretations: Backup (data): If you want me to explain how to back up your data, such as […]

1 min read

Settlement Bank

Settlement Bank A settlement bank is a bank that temporarily holds funds on behalf of two parties involved in a transaction, typically a buyer and seller, until the settlement date. Process: Funds Transfer: The buyer transfers funds to the settlement bank. Payment Instruction: The seller provides a payment instruction to the settlement bank. Payment Release: […]

1 min read


Definition: Adjustment is the process of making changes to a variable or a set of variables to bring them into alignment with a desired standard or value. It is commonly used in various fields, including statistics, engineering, and science. Types of Adjustments: Linear adjustment: Involves making linear changes to the variable or variables to adjust […]

1 min read


Definition: Exemption is the act of exempting something from a particular tax, fee, or regulation. It is a legal privilege that exempts a person or object from paying a particular tax or being subject to a particular regulation. Examples: Property tax exemption: Exempts certain categories of property, such as churches, charities, and historical landmarks, from […]

1 min read

Futures & Commodities Trading

Futures Commodities Trading Futures commodities trading is a type of derivative trading that involves the purchase and sale of contracts for delivery of commodities at a specified future date and price. Commodities are tangible assets, such as precious metals, agricultural products, energy fuels, and industrial metals. Types of Futures Contracts: Cash-settled: Contracts for delivery of […]

2 mins read

Code Of Ethics

Code of Ethics for Professionals Preamble: The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to guide professionals in maintaining the highest ethical standards and ensuring the public’s confidence in the profession. It applies to all members and affiliates of the [Professional Organization]. Core Principles: 1. Integrity:– Maintaining honesty and integrity in all professional dealings.- Abstaining […]

1 min read

Global Fund

Definition: A global fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in a portfolio of securities from around the world. These funds typically have a global mandate, meaning they have the ability to invest in any country or region. Characteristics: Diversification: Global funds offer diversification across a wide range of markets, reducing risk compared […]

1 min read

Short-Term Investment Fund (Stif)

Short-Term Investment Fund (STIF) A short-term investment fund (STIF) is a type of mutual fund that invests primarily in short-term debt securities with maturities of less than one year. These funds are typically used by investors who need quick and easy access to their money, such as money market funds or savings accounts, but with […]

1 min read

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