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Legal Tender

Legal Tender Legal tender is a type of currency that is legally recognized by a particular country as a medium of exchange. It is a currency that is officially sanctioned by the government and is widely accepted as payment for goods and services within the country. Characteristics of Legal Tender: Officially sanctioned: Backed by the […]

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Definition: A predator is an organism that hunts and consumes other organisms, typically smaller ones, as a source of food. Characteristics of Predators: Sharp senses: Predators have keen eyesight, hearing, smell, and touch to locate and track their prey. Hunter instincts: Predators have innate behaviors that drive them to seek out and capture prey. Offensive […]

1 min read

Payment Banks

Payment Banks Payment banks are a new type of bank that specialize in providing payment services to customers, typically through mobile applications or online platforms. They typically do not offer a full range of banking services, such as loans or deposits, and are typically regulated by specific authorities. Key Features of Payment Banks: Primary Focus […]

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Reinsurance Reinsurance is the process of transferring insurance risk from one company (the reinsurer) to another company (the reinsurer). It involves the sharing of risks between insurers to spread the financial burden and mitigate the potential losses associated with catastrophic events or large claims. Key Concepts: Reinsurer: An insurance company that agrees to share the […]

2 mins read

Advisor Fee

Advisor Fee An advisor fee is a fee paid to a financial advisor for their services. It can be a flat fee, a percentage of the client’s assets under management (AUM), or a combination of the two. Types of Advisor Fees: Flat Fee: A fixed fee charged for a specific service, such as a financial […]

2 mins read

Right Of Redemption

The phrase “right of redemption” is a phrase commonly used in religious contexts. It refers to the belief that humans have the ability to redeem themselves from sin through faith in God. Here is a breakdown of the phrase: Right: This word emphasizes the ability of humans to act correctly and justly. Redemption: This word […]

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Definition: Overwithholding is the act of withholding information, resources, or payments to someone who is entitled to them. It can be done intentionally or unintentionally. Reasons for Overwithholding: Self-preservation: To protect oneself from potential harm or embarrassment. Control: To exert power over someone. Financial gain: To gain financial advantage by depriving others of their resources. […]

1 min read

Quantity Demanded

Quantity Demanded Quantity demanded is a measure of the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. It is a key concept in economics that describes the relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity of that good or service that […]

2 mins read


Sure, there are multiple interpretations of the word “switching”: 1. Changing the object of affection: This definition refers to a change in the person or thing someone is attracted to. It can be synonymous with phrases like “flipping” or “going for” someone. Example: “He switched his affections from her to her friend.” 2. Changing the […]

1 min read

Financial Guarantee

Definition: A financial guarantee is a promise made by one party to another party to guarantee the payment or performance of a debt or obligation. It is a form of collateral or security that ensures the creditor will be paid if the primary debtor fails to fulfil their obligations. Types of Financial Guarantees: Direct Guarantees: […]

1 min read

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