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Social Sciences

Social Sciences Social sciences are a set of academic disciplines that study human behavior, societies, and institutions. They encompass a wide range of topics, including: Major Fields: Anthropology: Study of humans, including their societies, cultures, languages, and biology. Economics: Study of how societies allocate resources and make economic decisions. Political Science: Study of government, political […]

1 min read


A franchisee is an individual or company that licenses the rights to operate a franchised business from a franchisor. In other words, a franchisee is the owner of a franchise, which is a business that is licensed from another business. Here are the key points about franchisee: License: Franchisee obtains a license from franchisor to […]

1 min read

Corporate Tax

Corporate Tax Corporate tax is a tax levied on corporations, partnerships, and other businesses in the United States. It is calculated based on the corporation’s taxable income, which is the total income earned by the corporation less certain deductions and exclusions. Taxable Income: Revenue from operations Interest income Rental income Dividends from subsidiaries Capital gains […]

1 min read


VeChain (VETH) – A quick overview VeChain is a high-speed, global supply chain platform built on blockchain technology. It empowers enterprises to track and manage assets across the entire supply chain, from raw materials to finished products. Designed specifically for the needs of the industrial sector, VeChain offers a unique hybrid consensus mechanism that facilitates […]

2 mins read

Actuarial Service

Definition: Actuarial service is the process of providing financial advice and services based on mathematical modeling and statistical analysis. Actuaries use a variety of techniques to assess the probability of future events, such as deaths, retirements, and disabilities. Key Responsibilities: Calculating actuarial liabilities: Determining the present value of future obligations based on assumptions and data. […]

1 min read

Cpm – Cost Per Thousand

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) CPM is a digital advertising metric that measures the cost of an advertisement for every thousand impressions. It is a key performance indicator (KPI) used to track the cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Formula: CPM = Cost per thousand impressions = Total cost / Number of thousand impressions Explanation: Cost: The […]

1 min read

Bank For Cooperatives

Bank for Cooperatives A bank for cooperatives is a specialized financial institution that provides banking services exclusively to cooperatives. It is a separate legal entity from the cooperative itself, but is typically owned and controlled by a group of cooperatives. Key Features of Bank for Cooperatives: Ownership: Cooperatives own and control the bank. Members of […]

1 min read

Warning Bulletin

Warning Bulletin Subject: Urgent Attention Required – Potential Threat to Safety Date: [Date] Issued by: [Organization Name] Affected Areas: [List of affected areas] Reason: [Brief explanation of the situation and the potential threat] Action Required: [List of actions to be taken by individuals] [List of actions to be taken by authorities] Contact Information: [Emergency contact […]

1 min read

Stopped Order

A stopped order, also known as a trailing stop-loss order, is a type of conditional order in which you specify a price level at which you want to sell a security if the price reaches that level. It’s a popular order type among day traders and investors because it allows you to lock in profits […]

2 mins read

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