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Definition: Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a method of transferring data between peripherals and the main memory (RAM) without involving the central processing unit (CPU). Instead of the CPU managing the data transfer, DMA controllers handle the transfer independently. Working Principle: Initiation: The peripheral device initiates a DMA request, indicating the need to transfer data. […]

2 mins read

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Supply chain management (SCM) is the comprehensive process of managing and optimizing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including planning, execution, and control. Key Components of SCM: 1. Supply Chain Planning:– Forecasting demand and inventory levels.- Selecting suppliers and route […]

1 min read

Classical Economics

Classical Economics Classical economics is a school of thought in economics that emphasizes the power of market mechanisms and individual choice. It is based on the principles of supply and demand, competition, and equilibrium. Key Concepts: Supply and Demand: The law of supply and demand determines the prices of goods and services. Competition: Competition among […]

1 min read


Definition: Royalty is a hereditary title and privileged position associated with a monarch, derived from the Old English word “royalty.” Characteristics: Hereditary: Passing down through the family, usually to the eldest son. Privileged: Entitles holders to unique rights and privileges, such as certain inheritable estates, immunities, and ceremonial powers. Symbolic: Represents the embodiment of authority, […]

1 min read


Definition: A subpoena is a legal document issued by a court or other authority requiring a person to appear in court or provide information. It is a compulsory order compelling the recipient to comply with the court’s request. Purposes: To gather evidence in a case. To compel witnesses to testify. To obtain documents and other […]

2 mins read

Accrual Accounting

Accrual Accounting Accrual accounting is a type of accounting that records transactions when they are incurred, regardless of when payment or receipt of cash occurs. This method is commonly used for businesses that have extended credit to customers or received credit from suppliers. Key Features of Accrual Accounting: 1. Revenue Recognition: Revenue is recorded when […]

2 mins read

E-Banking – Electronic Banking

Electronic Banking (e-Banking) Electronic banking, also known as digital banking, is the use of electronic channels to provide banking services to customers. It encompasses a wide range of services, including: Common e-Banking Services: Online Banking: Allows customers to access their account information, transfer funds, pay bills, and perform other transactions through a secure online platform. […]

1 min read


The word “overcast” can be described in several ways: Weather: Overcast: When there is a lot of cloud cover, meaning the sky is completely covered with low-hanging clouds, often accompanied by drizzle or rain. Cloudy: Similar to overcast, but the clouds are not necessarily low-hanging, and may be higher in the sky. Rain-soaked: When there […]

1 min read

Ministry Of Rural Development

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) in India The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) is a major Indian ministry responsible for the overall development of the rural areas in the country. Its primary focus includes: Key areas: Agriculture: This includes schemes like Pradhan Mantri Krishi Vikas Yojana (PM-KISAN) and the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). […]

1 min read

World Economic Forum (Wef)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a nonprofit international organization committed to shaping the future of the world. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, it is a global leader in shaping global, industry, and societal agendas through its unique public-private sector partnerships. Key Activities: The Forum: Annual gathering of top leaders from government, business, academia, and civil […]

2 mins read

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