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Tax-To-Gdp Ratio

The tax-to-GDP ratio is a key indicator of a country’s tax policy and its ability to generate revenue. It is calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes collected by the government in a given year by the country’s GDP in that same year. Formula: Tax-to-GDP ratio = (Total taxes collected) / GDP Interpreting the […]

1 min read


Bucketing Bucketing is a data partitioning technique that groups similar data items together into buckets or partitions. It is a common data preprocessing step used in various data mining and machine learning algorithms. Process: Data Partitioning: Divide the dataset into buckets based on a chosen key or attribute. Bucket Creation: Create separate buckets for distinct […]

1 min read

Neoclassical Economics

Neoclassical economics is a school of economic thought that emphasizes individual choice, free markets, and market equilibrium. It is one of the three main economic paradigms, alongside Marxist and Keynesian economics. Key principles of neoclassical economics: Individualism: Neoclassical economics assumes that individuals are rational actors who make decisions based on their own self-interest. Market equilibrium: […]

1 min read

Free Rider Problem

Free Rider Problem The free rider problem is a phenomenon in economics that describes the problem faced by individuals in situations where they can benefit from the actions of others without contributing their own resources or effort. Explanation: In a situation where individuals can freely ride on the contributions of others, those who do not […]

2 mins read

Earn Money Online

There are many ways to earn money online, depending on your skills, interests, and available time. Here are a few popular options: High-Income Jobs: Freelance/Consulting: Offer your expertise in various fields such as writing, editing, design, programming, marketing, virtual assistance, or business development. Online Teaching: Teach English online to students from around the world. Software […]

1 min read

Structured Finance

Structured Finance Structured finance is a type of financial engineering that involves the creation, structuring, and securitization of financial assets into new financial instruments. It involves the use of various financial techniques to transform existing assets into new financial products that are tailored to meet specific investor needs. Key Concepts: Securitization: The process of converting […]

2 mins read

Employees’ State Insurance (Esi)

State Insurance Employee ESI Contributions State insurance employees are required to contribute to the employer-sponsored state insurance employee retirement plan (ESI) in most states. ESI is a retirement savings plan that provides a tax-deferred way for state employees to save for their retirement. Contribution Requirements: Employee contributions: Employees are typically required to contribute a percentage […]

1 min read

Forward Pricing

Forward Pricing Forward pricing is a pricing strategy that involves setting prices for future delivery of a product or service at a specified date and time. The forward price is determined by the current market conditions and the expected demand and supply for the future delivery period. Key Features of Forward Pricing: Pricing for a […]

2 mins read

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