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Adjusted Ebitda

Adjusted EBITDA is a measure of a company’s profitability that is calculated by taking EBITDA and making adjustments for non-operating items such as depreciation, amortization, and interest expense. This measure is used to compare companies with different sizes and industries. Formula for Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA = EBITDA – Depreciation – Amortization – Interest Expense […]

1 min read


Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon where a large group of people, often the general public, contribute to a shared task or project. It involves tapping into the collective intelligence and resources of individuals, usually through online platforms. Types of Crowdsourcing: Idea Crowdsourcing: Collecting ideas from a wide group for product development, problem-solving, or innovation. Task […]

2 mins read


Commoditization Commoditization is the process of transforming a product or service into a commodity. A commodity is a standardized product that is traded on a public market and is characterized by a single, identifiable quality. Factors that Lead to Commoditization: High volume and low price: When a product or service is produced in large quantities […]

2 mins read

Margin Debt

Margin Debt Margin debt is a type of loan that is secured by a margin account, which is a brokerage account that holds investments. When you borrow money to purchase investments on margin, you are essentially taking out a loan from your brokerage firm. How Margin Debt Works: Margin Requirements: Brokerages require investors to maintain […]

2 mins read


Definition: A concession is a statement that acknowledges a point or argument made by the opposing side and agrees to acknowledge or consider it. It is a recognition of the validity of another person’s perspective or argument, even if it differs from your own. Purpose: To demonstrate respect for the opposing side. To acknowledge the […]

1 min read

Market Share

Market share refers to the percentage of the total market revenue or market size that a particular company or product has. It is a measure of a company’s relative market position. Formula for market share: Market share = (Company’s sales/Total market sales) x 100% Key factors influencing market share: Product quality: High-quality products will attract […]

1 min read


Sensitivity refers to the degree to which a person or system responds to changes in input or stimuli. It is a measure of how much output changes in response to changes in input. Definition: Sensitivity: The ratio of change in output to the change in input. Sensitive: Highly responsive to changes in input. Insensitive: Not […]

1 min read

Trading Skills & Essentials

Trading Skills Essentials 1. Market Analysis: Understanding market fundamentals and technical analysis Analyzing price charts and indicators Identifying patterns and trends Assessing supply and demand dynamics 2. Trading Strategy Development: Defining trading objectives and risk tolerance Selecting trading tools and platforms Developing trading rules and criteria Implementing a trading plan and sticking to it 3. […]

1 min read

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Statement Analysis Financial statement analysis is the process of examining a company’s financial statements to assess its overall financial health and performance. It involves analyzing various financial ratios and other metrics to provide insights into a company’s financial standing, liquidity, solvency, profitability, and growth. Key Steps in Financial Statement Analysis: 1. Gather Financial Statements: […]

2 mins read

Economic Forecasting

Definition: Economic forecasting is the process of using economic models and other techniques to predict future economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and other economic indicators. It is a crucial tool for policymakers, businesses, and investors to make informed decisions about economic performance. Key Techniques: Statistical models: Regressions, time series analysis, and other statistical techniques are used […]

2 mins read

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