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Capitalisation Rate

Capitalisation Rate The capitalisation rate is a discount rate used to calculate the present value of future expenses or cash flows that are incurred in the acquisition or construction of an asset. It is used in accounting and financial modeling to determine the appropriate depreciation expense for an asset. Formula: Capitalisation Rate = (1 – […]

1 min read


Lockdown A lockdown is a set of restrictions implemented by authorities to prevent the spread of contagious diseases or other threats. It typically involves the closure of public spaces, the restriction of movement, and the quarantine of affected areas. Purpose: To prevent the spread of infection or other harmful agents. To protect vulnerable populations. To […]

1 min read

Investment Policy Statement (Ips)

Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Purpose: The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) serves to define the investment objectives, risk tolerance, and guidelines for managing the organization’s investments. It is a formal document that guides investment decisions and ensures consistency and alignment with the organization’s overall goals. Key Components: 1. Investment Objectives: Define specific goals and objectives for […]

1 min read

Price Action

Price Action Price action is a fundamental analysis technique that studies the movement of a security’s price over time, without considering any other factors. It is based on the principle that the market is efficient and that all available information is already reflected in the price of a security. Key Concepts of Price Action: Support […]

2 mins read

Travel Expenses

Travel Expenses: Travel expenses include a wide range of costs associated with traveling, such as: 1. Transportation:– Airfare- Bus fare- Train fare- Ferry ticket- Rental car costs (gas, insurance, parking) 2. Accommodation:– Hotel room rates- Hostels- Airbnb- Other lodging expenses 3. Food:– Restaurant meals- Grocery stores- Cafรฉs- Drinks 4. Activities:– Admission fees to attractions- Guided […]

1 min read

Cross Elasticity Of Demand

The cross elasticity of demand measures the change in the quantity demanded for one good in response to a change in the price of another good. In other words, it tells you how much the quantity demanded for one good changes when the price of another good changes. Formula: Cross elasticity of demand = change […]

2 mins read

Ism Manufacturing Index

The Index of Manufacturing Industry (IMI) is a measure of the overall health of the manufacturing sector in a country. It is a composite indicator that incorporates data on various factors including: Key Components: New Orders: This component reflects the level of new manufacturing orders received by manufacturers. It is a key indicator of future […]

1 min read


Definition: A commission is a payment made to an agent or salesperson for services rendered in the course of business. It is typically a percentage of the total amount of the transaction. Types of Commissions: Flat commission: A fixed amount paid for each transaction, regardless of the size of the transaction. Percentage commission: A percentage […]

1 min read


Sure, “subscribed” is a word that is commonly used in contexts related to online subscriptions. Here are a few examples: 1. Subscription Service: You have successfully subscribed to the “Premium Monthly Plan.” Please check your email for further instructions. 2. Social Media Subscriptions: You have successfully subscribed to John Doe’s YouTube channel. You will receive […]

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