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Gearing is a fundamental concept in mechanics that describes the relationship between two interlocking gears. Gears:– Teeth: Raised projections on the gear’s surface.- Mesh: The engagement of teeth between two gears.- Ratio: The number of teeth on a gear relative to the number of teeth on another gear.- Drive gear: The gear that transmits motion […]

1 min read

Crude Oil

Crude oil, also known as petroleum, is a naturally occurring, liquid, black or brown hydrocarbon formed from the remains of ancient plants that have been subjected to high pressure and temperature deep under the Earth’s surface. It is a key resource for the production of transportation fuels, petrochemicals, and other industrial products. Composition:– Average composition: […]

2 mins read

Clearing Corporation

Clearing Corporation A clearing corporation is a financial institution that acts as an intermediary between banks and other financial institutions for the clearing of checks, electronic payments, and other financial instruments. Key Functions of a Clearing Corporation: 1. Check Clearing:– Collects checks from banks and corporate issuers.- Determines the clearing status of checks.- Credits the […]

1 min read


AGMARK AGMARK is a trademark symbol used in India to certify the quality and safety of agricultural products. It is administered by the Indian government under the Agricultural Products (Control and Regulation) Act, 1999. Purpose of AGMARK: Ensuring quality and safety: AGMARK certification guarantees that products meet specified quality standards and are safe for consumption. […]

1 min read

Qip (Qualified Improvement Property)

Qualified Improvement Property (QIP) Qualified improvement property (QIP) is a type of property that is eligible for depreciation deductions under certain conditions. Generally, QIP includes: Building improvements:* Additions to a building (e.g., new wings, floors, or rooms)* Major renovations to a building (e.g., modernization, expansion)* Certain energy-efficient building improvements (e.g., insulation, HVAC systems) Other improvements:* […]

1 min read


An aggregator is a website or service that gathers data from multiple sources and presents it in a single interface. It can be used to provide a centralized view of various data points, such as stock prices, news articles, or weather forecasts. Key Features of Aggregators: Data Gathering: Aggregators gather data from various sources, such […]

1 min read

Gdp Per Capita

GDP per Capita GDP per capita is a measure of a country’s wealth or economic well-being, measured by the total value of goods and services produced within a country in a particular year, divided by its total population. It is a commonly used metric to compare the wealth of different countries. Formula: GDP per Capita […]

1 min read

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