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Monte Carlo,Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo simulation is a type of computer simulation that uses random sampling techniques to estimate the value of a quantity or perform other computations. It is a powerful technique for solving a wide variety of problems, including: Applications: Monte Carlo integration: Estimating the area under a curve. Random walks: Calculating the […]

2 mins read

Ex Gratia Payment

An ex gratia payment is a voluntary payment made in the interests of justice, favor, or charity, without legal obligation. Definition: Ex gratia payments are payments made voluntarily, not as payment for a debt or service. They are typically made to show gratitude, favor, or charity. The payment is not legally enforceable, meaning that the […]

1 min read

Portfolio Manager

A portfolio manager is a financial professional who oversees a group of investments for a particular client or group of clients. They are responsible for making investment decisions, managing risk, and generating returns. Key responsibilities: Developing and implementing investment strategies: This includes setting investment objectives, identifying suitable investments, and making ongoing adjustments. Managing risk: This […]

2 mins read

Spillover Effect

Spillover effect The spillover effect is a phenomenon that occurs when interventions or policies implemented in one domain have unintended consequences in another domain. These consequences can be positive or negative, depending on the specific interventions and the interconnectedness of the two domains. Mechanism: Interdependence: The two domains are closely related and interact with each […]

1 min read


Definition: Cross-selling is a sales strategy that involves recommending additional products or services to customers while they are making a purchase. It is a technique used to increase revenue and generate additional profit. How Cross-Selling Works: Identify Customer Needs: Observe customer behavior and purchase history to understand their interests and needs. Suggest Complementary Products: Offer […]

1 min read

Nostro Account

Nostro account is a term used in international banking to describe the account that a foreign bank maintains with its correspondent bank in a particular country. It’s like a sub-account that specifically holds funds for a particular foreign bank. Here’s a breakdown of the term: Nostro: meaning “our own” in Latin. Account: a financial account. […]

1 min read


A boutique is a small, privately owned store that specializes in high-end and fashionable goods, typically clothing and accessories. Here are some key characteristics of a boutique: Size:* Typically small, with one or two floors, and a total area of around 1,000 to 20,000 square feet.* Can range from intimate and cozy to spacious and […]

1 min read

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate Commercial real estate is a type of real estate that is used for business purposes rather than residential purposes. It includes a wide variety of property types, including: Offices Retail stores Apartments Hotels Industrial buildings Land Mixed-use properties Uses of Commercial Real Estate: Business operations: Commercial real estate is used to house […]

1 min read

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