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Financial Crisis

The financial crisis of 2008 was a global economic crisis that began in the United States in 2007 and had a devastating impact on the world economy. It was caused by a complex web of factors, including: Key factors: Subprime mortgage lending: Lax lending standards led to a surge in subprime mortgage lending, which fueled […]

2 mins read

Exposure Netting

Exposure netting is a technique used in physics and engineering to measure the electric field (E-field) produced by a particular charge distribution. It involves creating a net-like enclosure with very low capacitance and resistance to surround the charge distribution. Principle: The electric field (E-field) produced by a charge distribution is a vector field that describes […]

2 mins read

Peer Group

Definition: A peer group is a group of individuals who are at a similar stage of development, have similar interests, and share similar values. Members of a peer group typically interact with each other regularly, offering support, advice, and social opportunities. Key Characteristics: Similarity: Members have similar ages, interests, values, and social backgrounds. Mutual influence: […]

1 min read

Charitable Donations

Charitable Donations Charitable donations are voluntary contributions made to non-profit organizations for the purpose of supporting their charitable programs and activities. These donations are typically made to address specific needs or provide assistance to individuals or communities in need. Types of Charitable Donations: Cash: Monetary donations in the form of cash, checks, or electronic transfers. […]

2 mins read

Agent Bank

Definition: An agent bank is a bank that acts on behalf of another bank (the principal bank) to provide financial services to customers. The agent bank is not the owner of the funds deposited by customers but acts as their agent and depository. Key Features: Agency relationship: Agent banks act as intermediaries between the principal […]

2 mins read

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