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Phillips Curve

Phillips Curve The Phillips curve is a macroeconomic model that describes the relationship between inflation and unemployment. It suggests that there is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. Key Concepts: Inflation: A general increase in prices and a decline in the purchasing power of money. Unemployment: The percentage of the labor force that is […]

2 mins read

Lorenz Curve

Lorentz Curve: The Lorentz curve is a graphical representation that describes the relationship between the magnetic field strength (B) and the magnetic field angle (ฮธ) for a given material. It is named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman, who first discovered the phenomenon in 1896. Key Features of the Lorentz Curve: Parametric: The Lorentz curve […]

1 min read

Data Mining

Data Mining Data mining is the process of discovering non-trivial insights from large amounts of data. It involves extracting meaningful patterns, trends, and relationships from the data. Data mining techniques include: 1. Data Preparation:– Data collection- Data cleaning and preprocessing- Data transformation- Data reduction 2. Pattern Discovery:– Data exploration- Data summarization- Data visualization- Association rules […]

1 min read

Gm, General Manager

The phrase “gm general manager” can actually refer to two different positions: 1. General Manager of a Specific Company: In this case, “gm general manager” would refer to the General Manager of a particular company. For example, “John Smith is the gm general manager of XYZ Corporation.” 2. General Motors Executive: If the context is […]

1 min read


Libel is a legal action for defamation, which is the act of making false statements about someone that damage their reputation. Definition: Libel is a type of defamation that is made in writing or through other permanent written or visual media. It is a civil wrong that can give rise to a lawsuit. Elements of […]

3 mins read

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