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Markup is a type of formatting language used to add structure and semantics to text. It is typically used in conjunction with a markup language processor, such as a web browser or a text editor. Common markup languages: HTML: HyperText Markup Language, the most widely used markup language for web development. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, […]

1 min read


Certainly! Skipping over text or documents quickly to get the main points is known as skimming. It’s a reading strategy that involves glancing over the text to identify the main points and ideas, rather than reading every word carefully. Here are some of the key characteristics of skimming: Speed: Skiimming is done much faster than […]

1 min read

Earnest Money

Definition: Earnest money is a sum of money paid by a buyer as a deposit or guarantee of payment when making an offer to purchase property. It typically represents a earnest money deposit and is held in escrow by the real estate agent until the closing of the transaction. Purpose: To demonstrate the buyer’s intent […]

1 min read


Rating is a numerical or ordinal measure of the quality, value, or performance of something. It is a subjective assessment of something, often based on a particular set of criteria or standards. Types of Ratings: Numerical: A numerical rating is a numeric value assigned to an item to indicate its level of performance, quality, or […]

2 mins read

Welfare Economics

Welfare Economics Welfare economics is a branch of economics that studies the distribution of wealth and resources within a society. It seeks to understand how policies and interventions can be designed to maximize social well-being and equality. Key Concepts: Pareto principle: States that it is impossible to increase the well-being of one individual without reducing […]

1 min read

First Notice Of Loss ร‚ย€ย“ Fnol

The First Notice of Loss (FNOL) is a document used to formally notify an insurance company of a loss or damage. It provides important information about the loss and serves as the basis for initiating the insurance claim process. Key information included in an FNOL: Policyholder’s name: The name of the policyholder who is filing […]

2 mins read

Iffco,Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited

IFFCO Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited The Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) is a prominent cooperative organization in India that represents over 50 million farmers. Established in 1934, it is a key player in the fertilizer industry, providing farmers with a wide range of products and services. Key Highlights: Largest fertilizer cooperative in India: […]

1 min read


Standardization Standardization is a process of transforming data into a standardized form, typically by scaling it to a specific range or by removing mean and variance. It is a normalization technique that brings data from different sources or scales into a common format, making it easier to compare and analyze. Formula for Standardization: z = […]

1 min read

Fund Trading

Fund Trading Fund trading refers to the process of managing a pool of money on behalf of investors through the use of financial instruments. Funds can be passively managed or actively managed, and are typically structured as mutual funds, hedge funds, or private equity funds. Key Features of Fund Trading: Collective Investment: Funds pool money […]

2 mins read

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