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Industrial Organization

Industrial organization is a branch of management science that studies the structure, behavior, and performance of industrial enterprises. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including: Key Concepts: Major Theories: Applications: Industrial organization principles are applied in a wide range of industries, including: Key Contributors: Key Contributions: FAQs

3 mins read

Investment Ideas

Investment Ideas: Choosing the Right Strategy for You The best investment ideas for you depend on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. However, here are some general categories and approaches to consider: Investment Goals: Retirement: Aiming for medium- to high-risk investments with a long horizon, targeting growth and potential for high returns. Emergency […]

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A lottery is a form of gambling that involves drawing numbers at random. Participants buy tickets with numbers on them, and the numbers are drawn in a drawing. The person who matches the drawn numbers wins the lottery. Types of Lotteries: Common Lottery Games: Benefits of Playing Lotteries: Risks of Playing Lotteries: Overall, lotteries can […]

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Mercantilism is a 17th-century economic theory that emphasizes the accumulation of foreign wealth and trade. It advocates for policies that promote export and discourage imports, believing that this will lead to national prosperity. Key Principles of Mercantilism: Historical Context: Mercantilism emerged during the Elizabethan era in England (16th-17th centuries) as a response to the growing […]

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Discounting is a financial technique that involves reducing a future sum to its present value. It is used to adjust for the time value of money, which means that it accounts for the fact that money received today is worth more than the same amount received in the future. Formula for Discounting: Present Value (PV) […]

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Strategic Business Unit (SBU)

A strategic business unit (SBU) is a distinct organizational unit within a company that has its own specific market focus, product portfolio, and set of customers. SBUs are created to provide a strategic advantage by leveraging the company’s resources and capabilities to meet the unique needs of the target market. Key Characteristics of SBUs: Benefits […]

3 mins read

Stock Trading

Definition: Stock trading, also known as equities trading, is the process of buying and selling stocks, which represent ownership in publicly traded companies. Traders can engage in stock trading through various platforms, including online brokers, financial advisors, and trading apps. Key Participants in Stock Trading: Types of Stock Trading: Factors Affecting Stock Prices: Benefits of […]

4 mins read

Top Trading Techniques & Strategies Traders Should Know

1. Candlestick Patterns:– Identify candlestick patterns like candlestick patterns, hammerheads, and double tops/bottoms to predict trend direction and potential support/resistance levels.- Use candlestick patterns in conjunction with other technical indicators for confirmation. 2. Moving Averages:– Employ moving averages, such as simple and exponential moving averages, to smooth price fluctuations and identify trend direction.- Use moving […]

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