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Perturbed Perturbation

Perturbed perturbation theory is a technique in mathematics that extends perturbation theory to systems that are perturbed from a known equilibrium. It is a powerful tool for analyzing a wide variety of problems in physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics.

Basic Idea:

Perturbed perturbation theory assumes that a system can be described by a Hamiltonian function (or an analogous quantity in other fields), which can be written as a sum of two parts:

H = H0 + ฮตH'


  • H0 is the unperturbed Hamiltonian, which describes the system in its undisturbed state.
  • ฮตH’ is a small perturbation to the Hamiltonian that describes the perturbations to the system.

Key Concepts:

  • Linear Response: Perturbed perturbation theory focuses on the linear response of the system to the perturbation.
  • Second-Order Perturbation: The theory calculates the system’s response to the perturbation up to second order in ฮต, which is typically sufficient for many applications.
  • Renormalization: In some cases, the perturbation series may be divergent, requiring renormalization techniques to obtain finite results.
  • Applications: Perturbed perturbation theory has been used to analyze a wide range of problems, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics.


  • Quantum Harmonic Oscillator: Perturbed perturbation theory can be used to calculate the energy levels of a quantum harmonic oscillator perturbed by a small force.
  • Classical Mechanics: Perturbed perturbation theory can be used to analyze the motion of a mass on a spring in the presence of friction.
  • Thermodynamics: Perturbed perturbation theory can be used to study the thermodynamic properties of a system under small perturbations.


  • Relatively simple: Perturbed perturbation theory is relatively easy to apply to a wide range of problems.
  • Provides accurate results: The theory can provide accurate results for many systems, even when the perturbation is large.
  • Extensibility: Perturbed perturbation theory can be extended to higher orders of perturbation, if necessary.


  • Accuracy limitations: The accuracy of the theory decreases with increasing perturbation strength.
  • Renormalization difficulties: Some systems may require renormalization techniques, which can be challenging.
  • Complexity: In some cases, the perturbative expansion can be very complex, making it difficult to apply.
