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Platykurtic is a term used in mathematics to describe a function that has a curvature of zero.


A function is platykurtic if its curvature is always zero. In other words, the function’s graph is a straight line.


  • The function $f(x) = mx + b$, where $m$ and $b$ are constants, is platykurtic.
  • The function $g(x) = 2x + 1$ is also platykurtic.


  • Zero curvature: The function’s curvature is always zero, meaning that the graph does not bend or curve.
  • Straight line: The graph of a platykurtic function is a straight line.
  • Constant derivative: The derivative of a platykurtic function is constant.
  • Second derivative: The second derivative of a platykurtic function is zero.


Platykurtic functions have applications in various fields, including:

  • Calculus: As examples of functions with zero curvature.
  • Geometry: To describe curves with no curvature.
  • Physics: In modeling systems with constant acceleration or velocity.
  • Mathematics: As a concept in functional analysis and differential calculus.

Additional Notes:

  • The term “platykurtic” is a derivative of the Greek word “platykurtos,” which means “flat curve.”
  • A function can be platykurtic only if its curvature is zero at all points in its domain.
  • There are different types of platykurtic functions, such as linear functions, exponential functions, and parabolic functions.


  1. What does platykurtic distribution mean?

    A platykurtic distribution refers to a probability distribution with negative kurtosis, meaning it has thinner tails and a flatter peak compared to a normal distribution. It indicates fewer extreme values and less data concentration in the tails.

  2. What does leptokurtic distribution indicate?

    A leptokurtic distribution has positive kurtosis, showing fatter tails and a sharper peak compared to a normal distribution. It suggests that there are more extreme values, meaning a higher probability of outliers.

  3. What is the difference between leptokurtic and platykurtic distributions?

    Leptokurtic distributions have positive kurtosis, with sharp peaks and heavy tails, indicating more outliers. Platykurtic distributions have negative kurtosis, with flatter peaks and lighter tails, indicating fewer outliers.

  4. What is a real-life example of a platykurtic distribution?

    A real-life example of a platykurtic distribution could be the distribution of heights in a population where most people fall within a certain average range and there are few extreme deviations.

  5. What does a kurtosis of less than 3 mean?

    A kurtosis value less than 3 indicates a platykurtic distribution, which is flatter and has fewer extreme values compared to a normal distribution (which has a kurtosis of 3).
