2 mins read

Poc,Proof Of Concept

Proof of Concept (POC)

A proof of concept (POC) is a small-scale implementation that demonstrates the feasibility of a proposed solution or technology. It is used to prove the concept and provide a basis for further development.

Purpose of POC:

  • Validate the feasibility of a concept: To determine whether a proposed solution or technology can be technically implemented and meet the desired requirements.
  • Demonstrate proof of principle: To verify the basic principles and concepts underlying the solution.
  • Gather feedback: To obtain feedback from stakeholders and potential users on the viability and potential benefits of the solution.
  • Guide further development: To provide a roadmap for further development and refinement of the solution.

Key Steps in POC:

  1. Define the problem: Clearly define the problem or challenge to be solved.
  2. Develop the solution: Create a simplified version of the solution that demonstrates the key features and functionality.
  3. Implement the solution: Code or build the POC using suitable technologies and tools.
  4. Test the solution: Run tests to evaluate the performance, reliability, and feasibility of the solution.
  5. Gather feedback: Collect feedback from stakeholders and users on the POC.
  6. Refine the solution: Based on feedback, make necessary modifications to the solution.


A company wants to develop a mobile app to track employee expenses. A POC could involve creating a prototype of the app with basic features like expense logging, category selection, and expense reporting. The app would be tested with a small group of employees to gather feedback on its usability and functionality. Based on the feedback, the company can decide whether to proceed with full-scale development.

Key Considerations:

  • Scope: Keep the POC scope within reasonable limits to avoid overwhelming resources.
  • Technology: Choose technologies that are suitable for the POC implementation.
  • Timeline: Set realistic timelines for completing the POC.
  • Budget: Allocate a budget for the POC development and testing.
  • Documentation: Record the POC process and results for future reference.
