2 mins read

Preference Shares

Preference Shares

Preference shares are a type of company security that grant their holders certain preferential rights over common shareholders, such as higher dividend payments, a larger claim on assets, or voting rights.

Key Features of Preference Shares:

  • Prior Dividends: Preference shareholders receive dividends before common shareholders, even during periods of low profitability.
  • Higher Claim on Assets: Preference shareholders have a higher claim on the company’s assets than common shareholders, which means they are paid off first in the event of bankruptcy.
  • Limited Voting Rights: Some preference shares have limited or no voting rights, which gives the company more control over the shareholders.
  • Higher Price: Preference shares typically trade at a higher price than common shares, due to their higher seniority and lower risk.
  • Maturity Date: Some preference shares have a maturity date, at which they are redeemed by the company.
  • Call Provisions: The company has the right to redeem preference shares before maturity, at a specified price.
  • Convertibility: Some preference shares are convertible into common shares, giving holders the option to participate in the company’s growth.

Types of Preference Shares:

  • Senior Preference Shares: Have the highest claim on assets and dividends.
  • Junior Preference Shares: Have a lower claim on assets and dividends than senior preference shares.
  • Convertible Preference Shares: Can be converted into common shares at a specified price.
  • Non-Convertible Preference Shares: Cannot be converted into common shares.
  • Cumulative Preference Shares: Grant holders the right to receive a proportional amount of dividends, even if the company does not declare dividends.
  • Participating Preference Shares: Grant holders the right to participate in the company’s stock split or other corporate actions.


  • High dividend payments
  • Lower risk
  • Priority in asset distribution
  • Limited voting rights can provide stability


  • Limited growth potential
  • Higher price
  • May have higher redemption premiums
  • Possibility of being redeemed early
