2 mins read



Presenteeism is a phenomenon in which employees are physically present at work but are not fully engaged or productive. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including:


  • Disengagement: Employees may be disengaged due to boredom, job dissatisfaction, or personal problems.
  • Distractions: Employees may be distracted by social media, email, or other distractions.
  • Lack of motivation: Employees may not be motivated by their work or their boss.
  • Poor work environment: Employees may not have a comfortable or conducive work environment.
  • Health issues: Employees may be suffering from health issues that are affecting their ability to concentrate or focus.


  • Low productivity
  • Poor quality of work
  • Daydreaming or wandering thoughts
  • Socializing or surfing the internet during work hours
  • Being physically present but not mentally engaged


  • Lost productivity: Presenteeism can lead to significant lost productivity.
  • Increased costs: Presenteeism can increase costs for companies, such as healthcare costs and absenteeism.
  • Low morale: Presenteeism can lead to low morale and employee turnover.


  • Engagement strategies: Companies can use engagement strategies to reduce presenteeism, such as providing employees with opportunities for growth and development.
  • Distractions: Companies can reduce distractions by creating a more focused work environment and using technology tools to block distractions.
  • Motivation: Companies can increase motivation by offering competitive salaries and benefits, and by creating a positive work environment.
  • Work environment: Companies can improve the work environment by providing employees with comfortable and ergonomic workplaces.
  • Health and wellness: Companies can promote employee health and wellness by offering wellness programs and providing access to employee assistance programs.


Presenteeism is a serious problem that can have a significant negative impact on companies. By understanding the causes and symptoms of presenteeism, companies can develop strategies to reduce this phenomenon and improve productivity.
