2 mins read

Price Discrimination

Price discrimination is a pricing strategy that involves charging different prices for the same product or service to different groups of consumers based on their willingness to pay.

Types of Price Discrimination:

  • Explicit price discrimination: Charges different prices for the same product to different customers.
  • Implicit price discrimination: Uses the same price for all customers, but offers different quantities or bundles at different prices.

Examples of Price Discrimination:

  • Ticket pricing: Higher prices for premium seats at a concert or sporting event.
  • School tuition: Higher tuition fees for private schools compared to public schools.
  • Pharmaceutical pricing: Different prices for the same drug based on market competition and country of residence.
  • Hotel room pricing: Higher prices for rooms during peak travel season.

Reasons for Price Discrimination:

  • Demand elasticity: To exploit differences in demand elasticity among different groups of consumers.
  • Competition: To gain market share against competitors.
  • Product differentiation: To justify premium pricing for differentiated products.
  • Government regulation: To comply with regulations that allow for price discrimination.

Criticisms of Price Discrimination:

  • Exploitation: Critics argue that it exploits vulnerable consumer groups.
  • Lack of transparency: Concerns about hidden pricing practices.
  • Unfairness: Perceived as unfair by consumers who may not be able to afford the higher prices.
  • Market distortion: May distort market competition and lead to higher overall prices.

Legal Considerations:

Price discrimination is legal in most countries, but there are some regulations that govern it. For example, in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has regulations against deceptive pricing practices.


Price discrimination is a pricing strategy that involves charging different prices for the same product or service based on consumer willingness to pay. While it can be used to maximize profit, it can also raise concerns about exploitation and unfairness.
