1 min read

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)

Professional liability insurance (PLI) protects professionals against claims of negligence or errors in their work. It is often required by state law for certain professions, such as doctors, lawyers, and architects.

Key Features:

  • Broad coverage: Covers a wide range of professional activities, including consulting, engineering, design, and more.
  • Defense costs: Pays for legal fees, court costs, and other defense expenses.
  • Indemnification: Covers damages awarded to clients for injuries or losses caused by negligence.
  • Limits: Determines the maximum amount of coverage for each claim.
  • Deductible: Out-of-pocket expense that the insured must pay before coverage kicks in.
  • Exclusions: Limits coverage for certain risks, such as intentional harm or asbestos exposure.

Common Professions Covered:

  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Consultants
  • Therapists
  • Accountants
  • Teachers


The cost of PLI varies based on factors such as the profession, industry, location, and experience.


  • Provides peace of mind and protects against potential liabilities.
  • Covers legal expenses and damages.
  • Can enhance client confidence.
  • May be required by law.


  • Can be expensive, especially for high-risk professions.
  • May have exclusions or limitations.
  • May not cover all claims.


Professional liability insurance is an essential risk management tool for professionals who want to protect themselves against potential negligence claims. It offers broad coverage and defense against a wide range of risks, but it is important to review the policy details and exclusions carefully.
