1 min read

Profit Margin

The profit margin is a measure of a company’s profitability. It is calculated by subtracting cost of goods sold and operating expenses from revenue and dividing the result by revenue. The profit margin can be used to assess a company’s ability to generate profit.


Profit margin = (Net income - Cost of goods sold - Operating expenses) / Revenue


  • A high profit margin indicates that the company is able to generate a high return on investment.
  • A low profit margin indicates that the company is not able to generate a high return on investment.
  • A negative profit margin indicates that the company is not generating enough revenue to cover its costs.


  • To compare profitability between companies.
  • To assess a company’s ability to generate profit.
  • To identify companies that are financially strong.
  • To make investment decisions.

Key factors affecting profit margin:

  • Industry competitive landscape
  • Market conditions
  • Company size and structure
  • Operating efficiency
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Financial management practices
