2 mins read

Provisional Notice Of Cancellation (Pnoc)

Provisional Notice of Cancellation (PNO)


A provisional notice of cancellation (PNO) is a notice given by a landlord to a tenant informing them that the landlord intends to cancel the lease and terminate occupancy. The PNO serves as a formal notification of the landlord’s intent and outlines the grounds for cancellation.


The PNO should be in writing and signed by the landlord. It should include the following information:

  • Landlord’s name:
  • Landlord’s address:
  • Tenant’s name:
  • Tenant’s address:
  • Reason for cancellation:
  • Date of cancellation:
  • Notice period: (usually 30 days or as required by law)
  • Fees and penalties: (e.g., early termination fee)


  • The landlord must provide the PNO to the tenant in writing.
  • The notice period must meet the requirements of the local law.
  • The tenant has the right to receive a copy of the PNO.
  • If the tenant disputes the cancellation, the landlord may have the right to resolve the issue through arbitration or mediation.

Additional Considerations:

  • The PNO should be delivered in person or sent by certified mail.
  • The landlord should provide the tenant with a copy of the PNO and any other required forms.
  • The PNO should be clear and concise and explain the grounds for cancellation clearly.
  • The landlord should be prepared to answer any questions or concerns the tenant may have about the cancellation.


[Landlord’s Name][Landlord’s Address]


[Tenant’s Name][Tenant’s Address]

Subject: Provisional Notice of Cancellation

Dear [Tenant’s Name],

This notice serves as a provisional notice of cancellation of your lease agreement effective [Cancellation Date]. The reason for cancellation is [Reason].

In accordance with the terms of our lease and applicable law, you are required to vacate the premises by [Vacate Date]. You are also responsible for any early termination fees or penalties as stipulated in the lease.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely,[Landlord’s Name]
