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Quantity Demanded

Quantity Demanded

Quantity demanded is a measure of the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. It is a key concept in economics that describes the relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity of that good or service that consumers are willing to buy.

Law of Demand:

The law of demand states that the quantity demanded of a good or service decreases as the price increases. This is because consumers are generally willing to buy less of a good or service at a higher price.

Factors Affecting Quantity Demanded:

  • Price of the good or service: The higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded.
  • Consumer preferences: If consumers do not prefer the good or service, they will not buy it.
  • Income levels: If consumers have low incomes, they may not be able to afford to buy the good or service.
  • Availability of substitutes: If there are cheaper substitutes for the good or service, consumers may opt for those instead.
  • Marketing and advertising: If consumers are not aware of the good or service, they may not demand it.

Quantity Demanded Equation:

Qd = b - cP


  • Qd is the quantity demanded
  • b is the quantity demanded at a price of zero
  • c is the price sensitivity coefficient
  • P is the price of the good or service

Graph of Demand:

The graph of demand shows the relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a good or service. It is a downward-sloping curve.

Importance of Quantity Demanded:

  • Understanding consumer behavior: Quantity demanded is essential for understanding how consumers behave in the market.
  • Setting prices: Businesses use quantity demanded to set prices for their products.
  • Forecasting demand: Businesses can use quantity demanded forecasts to predict future sales.
  • Making informed decisions: Investors and businesses use quantity demanded information to make informed decisions about investments and business strategies.
