1 min read

Quoted Price

A quoted price is the price that is quoted for a particular item or service at a particular time. It is usually a firm offer that is made by a seller to a buyer.

Key points:

  • Quoted price: The price quoted by the seller.
  • Firm offer: A quoted price is a firm offer and not a binding contract.
  • Time-sensitive: Quoted prices are usually valid for a specific time frame.
  • Item or service: The quoted price applies to a specific item or service.
  • Seller and buyer: The quoted price is between the seller and the buyer.


  • “The car is quoted at $10,000.”
  • “The price for the service is quoted at $200.”


  • Quoted prices may include taxes and fees.
  • The quoted price may change if the terms of the sale change.
  • It is important to get a written quote from the seller.

Additional information:

  • Quoted price is a term commonly used in the United States.
  • In other countries, the term “quotation” may be used instead of “quoted price.”
  • The quoted price is typically the price that the seller is willing to sell the item or service for.
