2 mins read


Regression is a type of supervised learning algorithm that models the relationship between input variables (features) and their corresponding outputs. It is a linear modeling technique that estimates the values of a continuous variable based on the values of other variables.

Types of Regression:

  • Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): The most common type of regression, where the model minimizes the sum of squared errors between the predicted and actual values.
  • Logistic Regression: Used for binary classification, where the output is a probability of belonging to a particular class.
  • Linear Regression: Predicts continuous values based on a linear relationship with the input variables.
  • Polynomial Regression: Extends linear regression by using polynomial functions of the input variables.
  • Tree Regression: Uses decision trees to model the relationship between input variables and outputs.
  • Random Forest Regression: Ensemble technique that combines multiple trees to improve the overall accuracy.

Key Concepts:

  • Dependent Variable: The variable whose values are being predicted.
  • Independent Variables: Variables used to predict the dependent variable.
  • Model: The mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the input and output variables.
  • Coefficient: Parameters of the model that determine the weights of the variables.
  • Residuals: Errors between the predicted and actual values.


Regression has a wide range of applications in various fields, including:

  • Sales Forecasting: Predicting future sales based on historical data.
  • Product Pricing: Determining product prices based on demand and other factors.
  • Customer Churn Prediction: Identifying customers who are most likely to cancel their services.
  • Fraud Detection: Detecting fraudulent transactions based on anomaly detection.
  • Medical Diagnosis: Predicting patient health outcomes based on medical records.


  • Simplicity: Relatively easy to interpret and implement.
  • Versatility: Applicable to various types of problems.
  • Predictive Power: Can make accurate predictions based on historical data.
  • Computational Efficiency: Can handle large datasets efficiently.


  • Overfitting: Can overfit to the training data, leading to poor generalization performance.
  • Noisy Data: Sensitive to noisy and irrelevant data.
  • Model Selection: Choosing the best regression model can be complex.
  • Assumptions: Assumes linearity between input and output variables.
