2 mins read



Reinsurance is the process of transferring insurance risk from one company (the reinsurer) to another company (the reinsurer). It involves the sharing of risks between insurers to spread the financial burden and mitigate the potential losses associated with catastrophic events or large claims.

Key Concepts:

Reinsurer: An insurance company that agrees to share the risk of another company for a fee.

Cedent: The insurance company that cedes its risk to a reinsurer.

Reinsurance Treaty: A contract between a reinsurer and a cedent outlining the terms of risk sharing and payment arrangements.

Types of Reinsurance:

  • Primary Reinsurance: Covers the initial loss of the cedent.
  • Excess Reinsurance: Covers losses exceeding the primary reinsurance limit.
  • Retroactive Reinsurance: Covers losses that occur in a specified period in the past.

Benefits of Reinsurance:

  • Risk Sharing: Reinsurance spreads risk across multiple insurers, reducing the financial burden for any one company.
  • Loss Mitigation: Reinsurance can help mitigate the potential losses associated with catastrophic events or large claims.
  • Access to Capital: Reinsurers have access to a large pool of capital, which can provide liquidity to cedents in times of need.
  • Expertise and Market Insight: Reinsurers have expertise in risk assessment and modeling, providing valuable insights to cedents.

Types of Reinsurance Policies:

  • Fire Reinsurance: Covers losses due to fire.
  • Windstorm Reinsurance: Covers losses due to windstorms.
  • Hail Reinsurance: Covers losses due to hail.
  • Auto Reinsurance: Covers losses related to motor vehicles.
  • Marine Reinsurance: Covers losses associated with marine transportation.


Reinsurance transactions are regulated by various laws and guidelines, including the International Treaty on Reinsurance (ITUR).

Additional Notes:

  • Reinsurance premiums are typically calculated based on the historical loss experience of the cedent and the terms of the reinsurance treaty.
  • Reinsurers may use their own reinsurance policies to further spread risk.
  • Reinsurance can be a complex and multifaceted process, involving multiple parties and intricate agreements.
