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Repo,Repurchase Agreement

Repo Repurchase Agreement

A repo repurchase agreement is a secured loan in which a bank lends money to another bank by pledging Treasury securities as collateral. It is a repurchase agreement (repo) for a specific security, typically Treasury bills.


  • Borrower: A bank that borrows money from another bank.
  • Lender: A bank that lends money to another bank.
  • Collateral: Treasury securities pledged as collateral.
  • Security: Treasury bill or other security used as collateral.
  • Margin: The difference between the value of the security and the loan amount.
  • Interest Rate: The interest rate charged on the loan.
  • Term: The length of the loan agreement.

Key Features:

  • Collateralized: Repo agreements are secured loans, meaning that the lender has collateral in the form of Treasury securities.
  • Overnight: Repo agreements are typically overnight loans, although they can be for longer terms.
  • Floating Rate: The interest rate on a repo agreement is typically a floating rate, meaning that it can fluctuate based on market conditions.
  • High Liquidity: Repo agreements are highly liquid instruments, meaning that they can be easily traded.
  • Major Market: Repo agreements are a major market activity in the financial markets.


  • Cash Management: Banks use repo agreements to manage their cash balances.
  • Money Market: Repo agreements are used as a key interest rate benchmark in the money market.
  • Open Market Operations: Central banks use repo agreements to influence interest rates and liquidity.
  • Speculation: Repo agreements can be used for speculation purposes.


A bank lends $10 million to another bank for one night at an interest rate of 2%. The collateral is Treasury bills worth $10 million. The borrower pays the lender interest of $200,000 on the loan.

Additional Notes:

  • Repo agreements can be used for any type of security, but Treasury securities are most commonly used.
  • Repo agreements can be traded on a secured loan market or over-the-counter.
  • The terms of a repo agreement can vary widely between banks.
  • Repo agreements are a key part of the financial markets and play an important role in regulating liquidity and interest rates.
