2 mins read

Retained Earnings

Retained earnings are the portion of a company’s accumulated earnings that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are retained for future use. It is a key component of a company’s retained earnings account.

Key points:

  • Accumulated earnings: Retained earnings are a cumulative account that includes all accumulated earnings since the company’s inception.
  • Distributions: Dividends are paid out of retained earnings. Any amount of earnings that is not distributed is retained.
  • Future use: Retained earnings can be used for various corporate purposes, such as expansion, debt reduction, or the purchase of assets.
  • Shareholders’ equity: Retained earnings are a component of shareholders’ equity. They represent the owners’ claims on the company’s assets.
  • Growth: Companies with high retained earnings are typically able to grow faster, as they have more funds available for investment.
  • Payout ratio: The payout ratio is the percentage of earnings that are distributed as dividends. The remaining earnings are retained.
  • Flexibility: Retained earnings provide companies with flexibility to manage their cash flow and make strategic investments.


A company earns $100,000 in a year. $20,000 is distributed as dividends. The remaining $80,000 is retained earnings. These retained earnings can be used for future growth, debt reduction, or other investments.


  • Provides a source of internal funding for growth and expansion.
  • Allows for debt reduction, reducing interest expenses.
  • Enhances shareholders’ equity, increasing their overall ownership.
  • Provides flexibility for managing cash flow and investments.


  • Can lead to higher share prices, making it more difficult for new investors to enter the market.
  • May restrict the company’s ability to pay dividends to shareholders.
  • Can be subject to tax implications, depending on the jurisdiction.

Overall, retained earnings are an important part of a company’s financial structure. They provide a means for companies to accumulate earnings and use them for future growth and various other purposes.
