1 min read



Revenue is the total amount of money generated by a company’s operations during a particular accounting period. It is usually the main source of income for a company and is recorded in the company’s accounting records as an increase in assets.

Key Points:

  • Definition: Revenue is the total amount of money generated by a company’s operations during a particular accounting period.
  • Sources of Revenue: Revenue can be generated from various sources, including sales of products or services, interest on investments, rent, and dividends.
  • Timing: Revenue is recorded when the customer pays for the goods or services, regardless of when the cash is received.
  • Types of Revenue: Different types of revenue include sales revenue, service revenue, interest revenue, and rent revenue.
  • Measuring Revenue: Revenue is measured in monetary units, such as dollars or euros.
  • Importance: Revenue is essential for a company’s survival as it provides the necessary funds to cover its costs and generate profits.


  • A company sells electronics for $10,000 in a quarter. The revenue generated from sales is $10,000.
  • A bank earns $1,000 in interest on loans. The revenue generated from interest is $1,000.
  • A landlord receives $2,000 in rent. The revenue generated from rent is $2,000.

Additional Notes:

  • Revenue can be broken down into specific categories, such as sales of products, sales of services, and interest income.
  • Revenue can be adjusted for certain items, such as depreciation and amortization.
  • Revenue is used to calculate a company’s net income or profit.
