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Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition Principles

Revenue recognition principles are accounting principles that guide companies in recognizing revenue at the appropriate time and amount. These principles ensure consistency and comparability of financial statements across different companies.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Revenue Recognition Principles:

1. Accrual Basis: Revenue is recognized when it is earned, regardless of when payment is received or payment terms.

2. Deferred Revenue: Revenue received in advance for future services is recorded as deferred revenue and recognized when the services are performed.

3. Billings: Revenue is recognized when invoices are issued, even if payment is not yet due.

4. Construction Contracts: Revenue is recognized over the course of construction projects as the work progresses, rather than when payment is received.

5. Unearned Revenue: Revenue received but not yet earned is recorded as unearned revenue and recognized when the services are performed.

Specific Revenue Recognition Rules:

  • Sales of Goods: Revenue is recognized when the goods are shipped to the customer.
  • Sales of Services: Revenue is recognized when the services are performed.
  • Subscriptions: Revenue is recognized over the subscription period, based on the service fee.
  • Licenses: Revenue is recognized when the license is sold.

Timing of Revenue Recognition:

  • Revenue is recognized when it is earned, regardless of the timing of payment or collection.
  • Revenue is recognized when the customer has an obligation to pay and when the company has control over the revenue.

Amount of Revenue Recognition:

  • Revenue is recognized at the fair value of the goods or services sold.
  • Any discounts or allowances are deducted from revenue.
  • Sales taxes are added to revenue.


A company sells software to customers on January 1, 2023, but receives payment in February 2023. According to the accrual basis of revenue recognition, the company would recognize revenue in January 2023 when the software is sold.

Benefits of Revenue Recognition Principles:

  • Consistency and comparability of financial statements.
  • Provides a accurate reflection of a company’s financial position and performance.
  • Ensures that revenue is recognized appropriately.
