1 min read

Rule Of Thumb

Rule of Thumb

The rule of thumb is a concept that applies a simple, practical formula or estimation based on a readily available number, often 10 or 20, to quickly calculate or approximate a value.


Value = 10 or 20 multiplied by a factor


  • A factor is a number that multiplies the 10 or 20 to produce an estimate.
  • Factors are usually multiples of 2 or 5.


To estimate the area of a rectangle, you can use the following formula:

Area = 2(length) x (width)

If the length is 10 meters and the width is 5 meters, you can estimate the area as:

Area = 2(10) x 5 = 100 square meters


  • Quick and easy to use.
  • Provides a reasonable approximation.
  • Can be used in a variety of situations.


  • Not always accurate.
  • Can be misleading if the factors are not multiples of 2 or 5.
  • May not be suitable for complex calculations.


  • Estimating the area of a circle.
  • Calculating the perimeter of a square.
  • Estimating the volume of a cube.

Additional Notes:

  • The rule of thumb is not a substitute for exact calculations.
  • It is best to use the exact formula whenever possible.
  • The rule of thumb can be a useful tool for quick estimations and approximations.
