1 min read

Share Certificate

Share Certificate

A share certificate is a document that represents ownership in a corporation. It is typically issued by a corporation to a shareholder as evidence of their ownership.

Key Features of a Share Certificate:

  • Registered Owner: Names the registered owner of the shares, who is the legal owner of the certificate.
  • Company Information: Includes the corporation’s name, address, and other relevant information.
  • Share Details: Specifies the number of shares owned, the class of shares, and the par value.
  • Endorsement: May have blank endorsements for transferring ownership.
  • Signatures: Signatures of authorized company officials and the shareholder.
  • Corporate Seal: May have the corporation’s seal or a symbol of authority.

Types of Share Certificates:

  • Registered Shares: Held in a company’s registry, and the certificates are physically held by the shareholders.
  • Dematerialized Shares: Shares are not represented by physical certificates, but are recorded electronically.

Purpose of Share Certificates:

  • Proof of Ownership: Serves as proof of ownership of shares.
  • Transferability: Facilitates the transfer of shares.
  • Eligibility: Determines eligibility for shareholder rights, such as voting and dividend payments.
  • Corporate Record: Provides a record of shareholders for corporate purposes.


[Company Name][Company Address][Shareholder’s Name][Number of Shares] Shares of [Share Class]

Signature: [Authorized Company Official]Signature: [Shareholder’s Signature]Date: [Date]

Note: The specific form and content of a share certificate may vary depending on the jurisdiction and corporation.
