2 mins read


Slander is the act of spreading deliberately false information about someone. It is a legal term that refers to the act of spreading false information about someone else. Intentional spreading of false information about a person is slander, whether the information is spoken, written, or published.

Key elements of slander:

  • False statement: The statement must be false and not based on truth.
  • Malice: The statement must be made with the intention of harming the person’s reputation or to cause them harm.
  • Publication: The statement must be made in a public forum, such as print media, social media, or online forums.

Types of slander:

  • Slander per se: This is slander that involves the spreading of information about a person’s reputation, character, or occupation.
  • Slander per accusation: This is slander that involves the spreading of information about a person’s alleged actions.

Legal consequences:

Slander can have significant legal consequences for the perpetrator. They may face:

  • Lawsuit: The person who has been defamed can sue the perpetrator for slander.
  • Damages: If the plaintiff wins the lawsuit, they may be awarded damages for the harm caused by the slander.
  • Injunction: The court may issue an injunction to prevent the perpetrator from continuing to spread false information about the plaintiff.


  • Spreading rumors about someone’s financial stability.
  • Making false accusations about someone’s character.
  • Writing a negative review about someone’s business online.

It is important to note that:

Slander is a serious crime and should not be taken lightly. If you believe that you have been the victim of slander, you should consult with an attorney.
