1 min read

Subvention,Subvention Meaning

Subvention is a financial assistance provided by the government or other organization to an individual or company, typically in the form of a payment or tax reduction. It is a policy designed to encourage particular behavior or industry growth.

Subvention meaning:

  • Subvention: Financial assistance provided by a government or organization to individuals or businesses.
  • Subvention: A payment or tax reduction given to encourage certain activities or industries.
  • Subsidized: An item or service that is provided at a lower than market cost due to government subsidy.

Examples of subsidization:

  • A government subsidy for renewable energy production.
  • A tax deduction for businesses that invest in new equipment.
  • A government incentive for people to purchase electric cars.

Goals of subsidization:

  • To stimulate economic growth
  • To promote employment
  • To increase production
  • To encourage innovation
  • To correct market failures

Criticisms of subsidization:

  • Unequal distribution of benefits
  • Distortion of market competition
  • Cost-effectiveness

Overall, subvention is a complex policy tool with both potential benefits and drawbacks.
