1 min read


Sure, “supranational” is a term used to describe objects or organizations that are larger than a single nation. Here is the definition:

Supranational: A term used to describe institutions or organizations that operate above the level of a nation state.


  • The United Nations
  • The World Trade Organization
  • The International Criminal Court

Key points:

  • Supra-national organizations have authority over a group of nations, rather than a single nation.
  • They define rules and practices that apply to all member nations.
  • They perform functions such as fostering international cooperation and resolving conflicts between nations.

Additional notes:

  • The term “supranational” is sometimes used in an ironic way, to describe organizations that are not very successful in achieving their goals.
  • The concept of supra-nationalism is an academic concept, and there is no consensus on whether or not such organizations exist in reality.
